Chapter 1: Natalia

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I walked down the crowded street, loving the friction that New York City was known for,especially on a Thursday. It's funny when I think about it. I graduated highschool and moved away for college, only to be right back where I started. I felt my lips curve into a smile as I finally reached the building. Here it was, Payton Industries. Huge, Massive, and incredibly intimidating. I took my eyes off the place while I checked my watch. 8:00, perfect. My smile only grew as I opened the door. I learned many things in college, one of the most important things was that being early was always better than being on time. I mentally felt my jaw drop as I walked into the lobby. The inside was spectacular.

The black and white complementing the silver chandeliers. The floors marble, a slick and shiny look to them. I was absolutely in love with this building. I was zapped out of my daze when I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up and saw a man dressed in black approaching me. I immediately assumed he was security, especially with that taser at his side. "Ma'am? Can I help you with something?" I nodded and flashed my sweetest smile. "Yes, actually. I'm Natalia Florence. I have an interview with Mr. Payton." His expression changed from confusion to cordial politeness. "Of course, let me guide you to the receptionist." I thanked him and followed, soaking in my new surroundings. Just as I thought this building couldn't get more impressive, I was proved wrong. I watched as the security stepped aside, revealing a beautiful black receptionist desk. "Thank you, Mr?" He smiled as he nodded. "Tony, ma'am. Good luck."

I nodded in response before walking up to the desk, my hands uncontrollably shaking. As I walked up, a woman with blond hair looked up at me. Her expression threw me off completely. She eyed me, almost as if she were studying me. I had an urge to touch my face, thinking that maybe I had left a crumb of croissant in the corners of my mouth. Almost immediately she changed her demeanor, she smiled politely. "Good morning, I'm Ashlyn. Welcome to Payton Industries." I took a breath of relief, and smiled back. "Hi Ashlyn. I am Natalie Florence. I am here for the assistant interview with-" "Mr. Payton." I nodded as I watched her type something into the computer and then picked up the receiver. I looked around as I listened closely to what she said. "Yes. Okay. Of course. Not a problem, sir. I'll walk her up myself. Good day, sir." I turned back to her as she hung up and stood up from the desk.

I again struggled with the element of surprise. When Ashlyn stood up, I caught a glance of her bump. She glowed as she walked towards me. "Come, I'll take you up there." My concern for her flashed. "Please don't trouble yourself. I wouldn't want you to-" I stopped as she placed her hand on my arm. "Oh god, you're so sweet. Don't worry about it, Honey. This isn't my first bump at this job." We both laughed it off as we approached the elevator. My curiosity peaked as Ashlyn pressed the button. "How long have you worked here? If you don't mind me asking." She shook her head, smiling. "I don't mind at all. I've been working for Payton Industries for about fifteen years. Although, it seems a bit longer, considering I am a part of the family."

I nodded along with her as she explained her years of employment and her involvement with the family. I would be lying if I said I wasn't impressed with her resume and the fact that she was married to Mr. Payton's cousin. I slowly turned my eyes and watched as the floors continued. I watched Ashlyn lean in. "Hope you're not afraid of heights." I slowly shook my head as we passed the 14th floor. "How many floors are in this building?" "We have 20 floors. And we are heading to the 20th floor for your interview." I nodded, seeing us approach the 18th floor. "So taking the stairs is a definite no, huh?" Ashyln chuckled and nodded. "Yes, the elevators are heavenly compared to the stairs." I felt my heartbeat start to accelerate as we finally reached the 20th floor.

The elevator door opened, revealing an equally impressive floor. The uniform black and white with marble floors. We walked out, Ashyln by my side explaining the rooms we passed by. "This right here is the copier room, the conference room, the bathroom, although you and Mr. Payton can share the bathroom in your joint office, which is at the end of the hall. And lastly, the main conference room." Ashyln opened the door, the room massive with a glossy black conference table with eight chairs around it. And then a big office chair at the head of the table. I walked in awe, as I admired the view. The conference room had huge windows, windows looking out to the heart of Manhattan. Ashlyn chuckled "Impressed?" I shook my head "In love, I never want to leave." "Well, get through this interview and you can admire the view everyday." I turned back to her, curious. "Is there anything you can tell me about Mr. Payton that might help me impress him?"

She shrugged "Honey, I wish I knew. All I would say is be honest with your work and he'll respect you. But you don't have to worry about him today." I looked at her confused, only to hear the door open. Revealing a beautifully dressed woman. She walked in, her dress the first thing I noticed due to the brightness of the red. Her ginger hair wrapped up in a bun, her ears wearing pearls. She smiled in my direction before turning towards Ashlyn. Ashlyn nodded, looking at me with hopeful eyes before mouthing a 'good luck' before walking out the door. The well dressed woman approached me, a smile still intact. "Hi, Ms. Florence. I am Sandy Payton, the CEO of Payton Industries. How about we take a seat and get started, hm?"

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