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"For Merlin sakes Dahlia" Lily groaned covering her eyes and turning away from the sight before her," I love you, but goodness, can't you give me or anyone a warning? Or have you ever heard of putting your tie on the door?"

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"For Merlin sakes Dahlia" Lily groaned covering her eyes and turning away from the sight before her," I love you, but goodness, can't you give me or anyone a warning? Or have you ever heard of putting your tie on the door?"

Dahlia chuckled as the flustered Hufflepuff male scampered out of the girl's dorm room.

"Relax, Lily, I was just snogging—I'm not dumb enough to shag someone in a shared room" Dahlia chuckled while adjusting her dishevelled robes.

Lily sighed and removed her hands from her face," Don't you ever get tired of doing this?"


"Let me rephrase this" The Potter waved her hand," Do you ever get worried that you'd fall for one of them?"

"No" Dahlia smiled shaking her head," Not going to happen, I mean I can't love"

"Dahlia" Lily shook her head and threw herself on her bed," When are you ever going to tell people?"

"Hmm?" The female hummed acting oblivious," About what?"

"How long are you going to ignore the truth?"

"Maybe until I get bored?" Dahlia stood up from her bed and placed her hands on her hips," Which won't be for a long time" She added a wink before leaving the dorm.

"Merlin, please if you can hear me, just make something happen for Dahlia to stop playing these games—before she ends up getting hurt" Lily muttered to herself.

Dahlia hummed as she reached the Gryffindor common room and her attention was drawn to the only person present that had been asleep on the table in front of the couch.

Hugo Granger-Weasley, the male that she hated to admit had been someone she wanted to 'experiment' on.

However, she fully respected the boundary of not going to the lengths of playing with anyone was directly related to Lily—Being that the Potter was her only real friend.

"Eye candy" She whistled jokingly placing herself on the couch behind him peering over his shoulder to the school assignments and her eyes locked onto the potion's essay.

She unconsciously reached for it, being that it was the subject she even loved more than herself—regrettably.

"Blimey, this is horrid" She blurted out making the male who wasn't actually sleeping, but resting his eyes make a face at her.

"You did not have to say it so harshly," He grumbled sitting straight up and stretching his back and snatching the essay out of her hands," No one can outwit you in potions, Jones, so please spare me the brutal honesty"

Dahlia smiled leaning on her palm," I mean, you are not wrong" She said confidently without denying his words," However, Granger-Weasley, this" She snatched the paper back and waved it," Is absolutely horrid and Slughorn would definitely consider retirement if he got this turned in"

"Bloody Hell" Hugo grumbled taking the paper back, however, he peered at the essay itself and frowned," I know Potion's is not my strong subject, but it can't be that bad"

"Pumpkin, it's as if you are a first year," Dahlia tilted her head and closed one eye," But, I can help you out"

"No thanks" Hugo instantly rejected," Not a chance"

"What is the harm?" She questioned and he rolled his eyes

"Many things, Jones, many" He admitted while standing up and waving his wand to gather his books and assignments," Look while the offer is nice, I am not one of your playthings. So, don't bother trying it with me" He concluded collecting his belongings and leaving to the male dorms.

Dahlia sighed leaning on her palm, not at all hurt by his comment—even if she truly wouldn't have done that to him, however, she did not want to waste effort on explaining.

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