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3 PM,France.

Within the oppressive confines of the stygian chamber, darkness clung to every corner, an embodiment of fear and ominous uncertainty. With trepidation, she unfurled her eyes, squinting against the obscurity, attempting to discern the cryptic realm that enveloped her.

Regrettably, this shadowed tableau was a disquietingly familiar stage in the theater of her existence, a recurring nightmare etched into the fabric of her life. Rising with an eerie calmness, she surveyed the four obscure walls, fingers tracing the sinister texture of the unseen.

A ghostly silence echoed as she inched across the floor, fingertips grazing the unknown in a desperate quest for something tangible. In the midst of her spectral exploration, a haunting creak shattered the silence, heralding the reluctant opening of the door. A slender beam of light infiltrated the gloom, a sinister invitation to depart.

Acknowledging the unspoken directive, she ascended with unwavering resolve, the door yielding to her advance. Stepping into the spectral threshold, she emerged into the feeble embrace of a sunbeam, its delicate glow casting a pale radiance upon her visage. The transition from the enigmatic shadows to the eerie illumination only deepened the mysteries that clung to her enigmatic journey.

"Ya Allah" she whispered, the words echoing through the dim expanse of the corridor as she navigated its shadowed twists. A cascade of thoughts surged through her mind, an amalgamation of weariness and the ceaseless reel of inquiries about her life, a life she found herself growing tired of contemplating.

Amidst the labyrinth of her contemplations, a persistent echo of bewilderment lingered as she tried to fathom the enigma that led her to that foreboding dark room. The memories were elusive, akin to the recurrent kidnappings that had become a macabre backdrop to her existence. However, this instance bore an unsettling peculiarity—she found herself unable to recall anything that unfolded within those shadowed confines.

Emerging from the spectral gloom, she stepped into the heart of a bustling city, its vibrant pulse a stark contrast to the ominous stillness she had just departed. Yet, even as her gaze swept across the urban panorama, the very fabric of the city seemed to elude her comprehension. A haze of uncertainty clouded her thoughts, blurring the edges of her cognitive grasp.

Her surroundings became a collage of indistinct shapes and nebulous impressions, an ethereal cityscape where landmarks melted into a surreal tapestry. Despite her efforts to decipher the locale, it remained an enigma, a city whose identity danced on the periphery of her consciousness, slipping through the fingers of her grasp like ephemeral shadows. In the midst of this disorienting urban tableau, she grappled with the unsettling notion that her perceptions were somehow distorted, as if the city itself conspired to keep its secrets shrouded in ambiguity.

Determined to unravel the mystery surrounding her, she resolved to seek assistance despite the hesitancy gnawing at her. An awareness of her own peculiarity clung to her like a shadow, an alienation not only from others but from the depths of her own being.

Yet, as she contemplated approaching someone for directions, a disconcerting realization struck her—those around her conversed in a language foreign to her understanding. The cadence of unfamiliar words hung in the air, a linguistic barrier that added another layer of complexity to her already bewildering situation. In this dissonant symphony of unknown tongues, she grappled with the unsettling notion that even the threads of communication were woven with enigmatic intricacies, leaving her adrift in a sea of linguistic isolation.

With each passing moment, the city revealed itself as a labyrinth of not only spatial ambiguity but also linguistic mystique. Her quest for answers took on an added dimension, as she contemplated not only deciphering her location but also the enigmatic dialogue that echoed through the air—a cryptic chorus that further deepened the riddles enveloping her existence.

As she fixated on the colossal advertisement screens, her eyes widened, and her jaw dropped in disbelief. The date displayed sent a chill down her spine, and she squinted, hoping to defy the reality that confronted her. Fervently, she rubbed her eyes, as if attempting to erase the temporal anomaly before her. Yet, the unyielding digits persisted, etching the enigmatic truth onto the canvas of her disoriented existence.

15th November 2023.

Five months lost in the recesses of her consciousness, suspended in the uncharted depths of that ominous room. Questions, like elusive specters, haunted her—had she been imprisoned in temporal stasis, or was time an unreliable companion in this cryptic odyssey?

The revelation struck her with a force that transcended the physical, and she discerned the cadence of French in the conversations around her. The city itself became a foreign land, and her very core resonated with the dissonance of linguistic estrangement.

Delving deeper into the labyrinth of her fragmented memories, pain seared through her skull. A distant voice echoed—a name, Elarah, lost in the murkiness of fractured recollections. Two indistinct little girls, mirroring each other, teased the edges of her consciousness. She pressed on her forehead, attempting to unveil the complete memory, but a resounding sound heralded her being swept off her feet.

Amidst the ebb and flow of memories, she found herself in the midst of a mysterious exchange. A masked man, his features obscured, shouted a name she could barely grasp. The scene unfolded—a glimpse of two little girls, a resounding sound, and the world spiraled.

As clarity eluded her, she unconsciously stepped into the road, the cacophony of thoughts overwhelming her. In this disoriented reverie, a masked man's directive shattered the moment. Another masked figure, driving a menacing black car, raced towards her, the urgency palpable.

"Go," the command echoed, and the vehicle lunged forward. An illusion of concern, as if rushing her to the sanctuary of a hospital, masked their true intentions. In this orchestrated chaos, they swept her away, exploiting the guise of urgency to escape with their captive, leaving the enigma of her memories suspended in the mysterious dance of lost time.

Awakening amidst the unfamiliar grasses, fear clutched her, urging tears she couldn't shed. Lost in the labyrinth of her own existence, she struggled to reclaim her identity. The atmosphere whispered familiarity, and with a sigh, she recognized the city's embrace.

"I'm in Doha," she whispered, the revelation both grounding and disconcerting. As she navigated the streets, a spectral memory guided her steps, drawing gazes from onlookers who sensed something amiss. Yet, an unsettling compulsion urged her forward, oblivious to the looming shadows.

Reaching her street, the symphony of police cars shattered the semblance of normalcy. Accusations hung in the air, and within moments, she found herself handcuffed, a surreal spectacle of confusion. The words reverberated – "Elarah! You are arrested for trespassing,kidnapping and murder" A name that echoed within her, a weight she couldn't comprehend.

Her parents stood, their expressions torn between disbelief and sorrow. Aunts, uncles, cousins – all wore disdainful looks. Amidst the sea of accusatory eyes, she sought him, the one who could unravel the web of deceit.

And then he appeared, not as a savior but an accuser. "Take her away!" His command echoed, drowning out her protests. Denied a chance to explain, she cried out, her words met with a resounding slap from her father.

Confusion etched her face as accusations flew. "I swear I didn't," she pleaded, met only with skepticism. Her father's anger intensified, demanding answers. He thrust photos at her, each one capturing her face committing a heinous act – the murder of the Wazir.

Tangling her hands in the handcuffs, she managed to pick up one photo, her face distorted by an act she couldn't remember. Amidst the chaos, she searched for his eyes, desperately seeking understanding. "Evander!" she cried, collapsing under the weight of a reality she couldn't fathom.

"Well maybe I did it" she mumbled,because she couldn't even remember what she did for the past months. Who knows maybe she did it and it was the Wazir,so she could  probably be the killer just as they said!
As if something was urging her to look up,she did. She looked up at buildings above her and she didn't miss the sight of a curtain immediately being dropped.

Behind the curtains,the shadow smiled,raising hands in victory and then went for a toast with another shadow.

I hope you guys like the prologue,dropping the first chapter on Saturday insha Allah.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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