Our Promise

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What about lilies, I love them, want them in my garden"

"Yes, and a swing where we can sit and relax"

"Perfect, I want to stargaze with you so a garden is must and yes when we will have a baby-"

"Baby? Really…baby? You want a baby?"

"Please, a cute little one just like you"

(Laughs) "O God! We got a list here haven't we"



Taehyung listened attentively to his friend and neighbor Jimin, who was seated across him on the other couch, sipping the coffee Taehyung, offered him, while he himself was patting lightly on the head of his three years old son, sleeping in his arms. After playing for hours with his dad in the garden, he finally slept in his dad's arms.

"My boss is strict a total dickhead, though he looks young but he loses temper easily" Jimin says munching on his biscuit.

"But you yourself said that he seldom comes out of his room, there won’t be many chances of you meeting him, and at least you get a day rest after a long project me on the other hand has no rest, that’s why I thought I should ask you to look after Shijin for tomorrow, I will drop him at your office just when your shift ends, I have this very important meeting I can’t miss, you will have your day off and Shijin is not naughty, he will stay in the room just make him busy with the toys….please do this favor for me, it is really important meeting and I can only rely on you..Please for this once" Taehyung begs his voice low enough for the baby to not get disturb from his sleep in his arms.

Shijin is a three year old boy, a total sunshine in personality and charming features, Taehyung had no doubt that he got the features of his mother, but his personality was totally like Taehyung, and the dad and son shared a strong bond that is unbreakable. Jimin loved it, he like this Taehyung more than the one he used to be when Jimin first met him. Right now they were in a situation that needed a quick solution.

Jimin sighs, it was not as easy as it seemed, Taehyung knew it too, and not an ideal condition to be in, but Taehyung had no choice, he had an important meeting to attend and had to go out of town for the same so he could not leave his little baby at home and he was literally scared to keep a babysitter whom he has not known much to take care of his son, that's how he asked Jimin for help who had many a times done babysitting for him, Shijin was also fond of his uncle so Taehyung was sure that being with Jimin means his child is in safe hands.

"Okay you just drop him to my office and pack his necessities rest I will take care of" Jimin was weak for Taehyung's pout.


Taehyung's face brightens up, he plants a kiss on his son's head in delight, "He eats biscuits with banana milk at lunch, sandwich can do too and yes pasta, I will prepare that too for him and pack it, make sure he takes it...what else diapers, bottle, napkins…." Jimin smiles, at Taehyung being all concerned.

"Calm down Tae, you are worrying for nothing, it's not like it's my first time looking after him"

Taehyunsg sighs "I don't know Jiminie, I am just scared, you used to be free but now you have work too and I am concerned for you too, I hope he won't miss me much and start crying, I love him a lot and just….he will be okay right?" Taehyung asks looking at his baby.

Our Promise //Vkook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now