Chapter 1: Since we were Kids

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Sesshomaru's POV
My mother dragged me towards the ball. I wasn't fond with these kind of useless of events. But my mother insisted on me coming with her, So I could experience and get used to it once I am now in throne.

I could never change her mind even if I try.

As we entered the large ball room, many Lords and Ladies were there. I didn't bother to get involved with the companions of my mom. Until a figure caught my attention.

It ws a girl, Maybe the same age as me. She was the only kid that came here. She was wondering around but I wiuldn't say she looked lost. Wearing an off-shouldered black kimono with cherry blossom prints in them. She had a fan in her grasp, fluttering it making her side bangs flow with the mild wind she was creating.

I looked towards my mother, who was still busy chatting with the other nobles. I felt invisible and clearly see that these kind of events are useless especially bringing your child when you are going to treat them as if they were invisible. I let out a small sigh. Until I felt someone tap my shoulder.

Turning I saw the girl that I was observing a minute ago right infront of me. She was wearing a kind and friendly smile. Showing a bit of her dimples on both side of her cheeks. She waved her hand, She didn't seem to have shame. "Hello~ I'm Luna Kibayashi." Her smile... looked genuine. Which was quite weird. I never saw anyone smile like that on someone, especially me. I was used to those fake smile that adults would give meeting me or my mom. but her smile is weird.

I didn't said anything. I was too occupied on thinking about that smile. I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt her held my shoulder. We were at the same height so its easy to look at each eye to eye. "Do you wanna hangout? You seem lonely." She asked me once again, me lonely? How could she tell or assume such a thing. Her lips formed into a frown. At this point I was expecting her to leave for my stubborness on not engaging with the conversation. But she did the complete opposite. She held both of my hands and walked towards someone.

I just realized, That my mother was no where to be found. Was I too occupied with this girl that I got seperated with mother?

"Mom... Can we hangout in the garden." We stopped right infront of a young woman. She was the girl's mother, and they look quite identical. Both of them have White hair and round blue eyes. Her mother looked towards me. I didn't reacted as usual. "Oh thank the stars I found you... your mom is looking for you." Her mother told me with a relief sigh escape her velvet lips. "But you two can go ahead, I'll tell your mother your where abouts." The girl thanked her mom before she dragged me out of the room.

we stopped right infront of a field with different kinds of flowers. The girl right next to me was looking very excited upon seeing the field. I grew curious, Who would be excited going to a simple flower field. There are more wide flower field. "Come on lets sit!" Both of us sat down in the field. The wind flowing with harmony. Some birds singing. As clouds covered some parts of the blue sky. "Isn't it beautiful?" She asked me. I looked at her with curiosity. She gaze at the field and the sky. I stayed quiet, taking in a deep breath. She looked towards me. "Even if you found that most things are simple. I would find it extra ordinary and beautiful in a unique way. all living and Not living things have their own characteristics that is needed to be discover. By paying attention to it. You can see on how such an ordinary item could be something very important wiith its own beauty." bright gaze soon becoming a bit gloomy. She really is passionate on the outlook of everything judging on the choice of words.

"You are annoyed huh? By my prescence? By dragging you here without even asking if you were okay with it?" She picked up a dandellion from a stem. Her gaze was sad, it was filled with so much loneliness? She let out a small laugh. "Sorry... But the moment I saw you... I felt a connection. I feel like we are great to be best buddies. But maybe I was too... desperate on having a friend..." She looked down on her lap. biting her lower lip as a tear fell from her eyes which made me stunned, Why was she crying? Why is she here with me now? Why was she telling me all of this? But soon I realized the real question. Why was crying state made me feel sad?

She looked down more. Trying to hide her face from me. Her grip on her kimono tightens as tears started flowing down even more, engulfing her face. I felt hurt seeing her in that state for some reason. And I hate it. How could a mere stranger make me feel this way? Soon my body was acting on its own. A saw tear rolling down her cheeks. My fingers slowly grazed unto her soft, snow like complexion. Caughting the hot salty liquid on the mid of her cheek. I could see how shock she had looked. Her blue oceanic orbs stared into mine with so much curiosity.

"Sesshomaru isn't annoyed. Instead he feels interested?" I gazed at her eyes. Her gaze was captivating. "Sesshomaru?" Her brows slowly furrowed. My lips cracked into a small smirk, This girl is naive. "My name." I whispered, retracting my arm. Her eyes widen making it look like she realised something. Before she started crying again. "Why you crying?" She giggled making me confused once more. "You said your name." She wiped off her tears. She smiled once more, but now her small canines were showed. Her teeth were pearly white and has a gummy smile for her teeth was still small. I eyed her amused, She looked so pure and fragile at the same time.

"You forgotten my name don't you?" With her statement I realised I did. I would usually call her girl other than her own name. I found it embarressing for some reason. I was too caught up with analyzing her smile and calming aura that I hadn't acknowledge her name. I could feel slight heat coming from both of my cheeks, I was blushing. She let out a small laugh.

I flinched when I felt her pointer finger grazed upon my demonic marks, it felt weird. I feel a kind of electricity amongst her touch which made my brows furrowed. "Well to make you remember me. Think of me as this." Her finger grazed upon my forehead, on the crescent moon. Her touch was smooth and soft. I looked at her amused. "You have the same marks like me. But mine is smaller." She pointed towards the mark of her forehead. Its in a shade of light blue like her eyes it was smaller than mine.

"Both of us have demonic marks that is shaped like a crescent moon. That's why my name is Luna, of the night sky." She smiled once more. "I hope you don't forget my name, Sesshomaru." She whispered, before blowing on the dandelion. All of the white petals soon flew with the wind she emitted. She wished for me not to forget her name. but why?

"Sesshomaru!" I heard my mother's voice from afar. She was companied with another woman, who assumed to be Luna's mother. Both of them arrived, I noticed they both looked amused. "They look like a couple." I heard the other woman's voice who whispered into my mother's ear. My mother soon responded with a small nod before turning towards me. "Its time to go home Sesshomaru. The ball is over." My mother held out a hand which I tooked. Patting off some dust that came from my pants before turning towards Luna who is now beside her mom.

"I'm very happy that you made a friend, Luna." Her mother hugged her child. Her daughter looked at me and a faint blush made its way to her cheeks. "I think we're friends." She seemed hesitant with her statement, it was amusing. "Thank you for coming here to our ball, and I'm sorry if my daughter caused you any discomfort." Her mother referred towards me which I shook my head lightly. "She is nothing of what you had said." I mumbled, Her mother's eyes formed into a small crescent shaped for she smiled. Luna and her mother's smile looked identical, but her daughter's smile seem more innocent. "You are welcome, I am very delighted to know that Sesshomaru made a friend." My mother patted my shoulder. "Luna, you can come to our home whenever you like. Maybe it would even delight Sesshy over here." Mother cooed, I glared at her but it didn't seem that she noticed.

Luna looked towards my mother and I. "If it wouldn't be a bother. I would be delighted." Luna bowed, my mother smiled before turning to me. "We will get going. Thank you once again." Both me and mother bowed our heads before turning to leave.

"It had seem you've made an aquaintance Sesshomaru." Her lips formed into a small smirk. I didn't show any emotion as usual. "Its none of your concern." I shot back. Her smile faltered. The atmosphere slowly thickened. "Sesshomaru, whatever happens please treat Luna well. I want her to be you mate in the future." She smiled. My eyes sharpened. Luna being my mate? I don't see her in that way. "Mother I think you are misunderstand, I don't see Luna in that way." I claimed, She turned towards me. "Not yet." She whispered.

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