(May 16 2020)
Ryo: woy
Cye: BERISIK!!! 😡
Ryo: oh Hai..
Ryo: ???
Yah dikacangin 😕
Ryo: sumpah gw masih ingin
Chat yaudah deh.. Gw ngomong sendiri aja ga ada yg nanggepinGw gabut.. Lagi apa
Ralat lagi apa
Njirr kok malah nanya balik
Lah gimana lagi sueeekk
Sage: berisik lo! 😡
WA gw ring ring mulu
W ga bisa tidur nih!
Kento: cekrek!
Ryo: di screenshot kayaknya nih habis riwayat gw..(8:24 pagi)
(17 may 2020)
Kayura: tadi siapa yg ngoceh
Cye: Ryo
Kayura: haduhh ga ada kerjaan
Ryo: gw ingin chat tapi kok ga ada yg jawab??
Cye: dah malam masih ngoceh..
Kento: w punya buktinya lihat aja di WA story w
Ryo: oalah kita di ekspose cuyy 😤
Cye: NAAH... 😂
Rowen: ada apa ini kok rusuh
Kayura: biasa para cowok
Rowen: haha chat sebelumnya bikin ngakak
Cye: ngakak n nyebelin
Rowen: lolz
Sage: w juga keganggu cuy
Kayura: haha yaudah break dulu capek ngetik terus
Ryo: pake suara dong ngapa sih
Kayura: punya hero utama kok bar-bar sih 😅#sorry Indonesian language but I hope you're like it review and no hate#
ronin warriors life in social media
Humorjust thinking about my idea that I got instantly what they chat and which people that they follow.. and what worst part of that experience and lot more it was filled with humor.. (I'm mentioned my rl Facebook friends including the most dramatic ones...