Chapter Three

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I wake up to blistering heat. Now, normally I enjoy the warmth, but I was so warm that I felt the sweat sliding down my spine. In a rush, I toss the covers off of me, inhaling the fresh, cold air. For a moment, I forget where I'm at. But after my eyes scan the room, I remember last night. The tears threatened to come into my eyes, but I will them away. I refuse to cry over Harry. I mean, he was probably drunk last night anyway and didn't mean anything by it. He couldn't have been serious.

Something pulls me out of my thoughts - a groaning and shifting amongst the covers. I look to my left and see Liam laying a top of the covers. How I had not noticed him 'till now is a mystery, but it would explain why I was so hot and stuffy. He shifts again, this time turning over to face me. God, was he an attractive guy. How I wish I could find some sort of attraction like I did with Harry with Liam, but I knew I couldn't. Liam reminds me too much of a puppy dog, while Harry is rugged and the opposite of that. 

"Kelsey," a voice calls from across the room, and I turn to see none other than Mia peeking her head inside the room, "we need to go. Mom just called, and she's pretty much livid."

I groan loudly and flop against the bed. "Crap, I totally forgot about the real world."

"I know, me too. Come on, wake Liam up and you two come out here so we can say goodbye."

I give her a nod in response, mostly because I'm getting choked up at the thought of leaving them. What am I going to do with my life now? Go back to school and act like nothing even happened? My dreams of meeting the boys and me traveling around with them is getting flushed down the drain as I turn to wake up sleeping beauty. However, when I turn to wake Liam up, chocolate brown eyes meet my blue ones. He smiles at me, something that causes me to smile back. God, the things these boys do to me.

"Good morning babe," he murmurs in his morning voice and it takes everything I have not to sigh.

"Morning Liam, how'd you sleep?" I ask him as I climb out of the bed and stretch my arms over my head, arching my back as I do so. 

He does the same, twisting his back which causes his back to crack. He gives a yawn and rubs his eyes roughly. My heart thumps loudly in my chest, because heaven forbid he talks again. 

"I slept alright. And you?"

God Liam, you just had to answer my question, didn't you? I feel my cheeks heat up, and I have to look away from him, towards the window. I hear him chuckle at me, and my cheeks begin to burn horribly. I'm contemplating throwing myself out of the window I'm staring at when my vision is blocked by none other than Mr. Payne himself.

"It does feel a bit hot in here, doesn't it?" he says to me while smirking to himself.

I smack him against his stomach, immediately regretting that decision - his rock hard abs being the reason for my regret. "Hush Liam."

He laughs again and responds with, "Come on, let's see the others." 

I follow him out of the room, making sure to grab my phone that was on the dresser. The rest of the guys are in the living room area, with Mia sitting next to Zayn. However, after doing a double glance, I notice Harry isn't with them. This puts a huge damper on mood, and I can feel the black rain cloud hanging over my head. They mingle and talk about a football game that's on, and I happen to see a clock with the time 1:21. 

"Well boys, it was amazing meeting all of you, but Kelsey and I have to get back home." Mia says at a pause in the boys conversation.

This one sentence produces many reactions. The first is Louis, who immediately protest the notion of us leaving, followed by Niall and Zayn who throw in there own two cents. Liam, however, stayed quiet - much to my disbelief. I gave him a sad smile, one he returned. Poor Liam, must still be beat up over Danielle. At this moment, the hotel door opens, and everyone looks to see Harry stride in with a frown on his face. 

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