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Hi guys!! DewBlue story is already finished. And now Japan and TanThai is on track. Let's support them. 🙏

*still on the stair scene*

"But what if we--" Japan sentence stop in the mid air. TanThai's index finger is on his lips.

"You promised already, P'Jay!!" TanThai said in a childish manner which Japan find it so cute.

"Uhh! I'll try my best. But for now...." he look at TanThai's hand on his shoulder. "You like touching me too much, huh?"

The sentence made TanThai pout. "Uhh. I like it very much, Phi." he wrap his other hand to Japan and pull the older closer. "You're my giant cat, remember? Meoww"

Japan felt cringe but he blush in the statement. It's crazy to hear but he likes it everytime when his N'TanThai is around. Everything felt wierd but right at the same time. The thoughts of having Thai in his side brought warmth to his heart.

"Uhh. Stop teasing me." he remove TanThai's hand from his shoulder. Tomorrow is the D-Day and he needs to be calm and focused but looks like he is distracted by the younger.

"Hey, Jay." it is Junior, his brother. Junior got stunned seeing his brother together with his bestfriend. "Eyy Thai. You're here too."

"It's just my picture, idiot. " Japan laugh because of the statement.

"Uhh. Whatever." Junior​ give up and turn his head to his brother. "Mom called me earlier." Junior​ scratch his head. "Babe is having a labor."

"WHAT? BABE? L-LABOR? LABOR MEANS HAVING B-BABY? Y-YOUR B-B-BABE? P-P'SODA? " TanThai ask shouting on top of his lungs. His eyes are wide open in surprise and confusion. "B-but you're too young. And P'Soda, you're still not dating! HOW COME?"


He got slap in his head big time. "Ouch" he glared at Junior and hold the part where he slapped him.

Damn. Junior got heavy hands. T_T

Japan also check TanThai's head. That is one big hurtful slap. He knows that Junior's  slap can knocked out someone

"Idiot. Stupid. Moron. Babe, the cat. My mom's cat. The white one." Junior's mouth has no filter when it comes to his friends. One of their friendship motto is, "what is the use of filter if there's nothing to separate" which means bad and good words are the same and just say it if you want. XD

"Hah?" he look at Japan. "The cute cat you're playing with the last time?" Japan just nodded.

"So what about Babe?" Japan ask his brother. "Is there a problem?"

"Nothing. Hehehe I just want to tell you since P'Soda is not answering my call." Junior​ smile innocently.

"Idiot." TanThai said.

"Oiii. Give some respect, I'm older than you." Junior is ready to slap TanThai again but Japan stop him.

"Enough you two. You both act like a kid."

TanThai stood up and hide behind Japan so Junior won't attack him anymore.

Junior stare at them like they did some crime. He try to raise one of his eyebrow but failed.

"shiiaaa.. Why won't you raise? I want to do it like Zen. Tsk." Junior scold his eyebrow as if it was going to answer him. "Awww" he pull some hair but end up hurting himself.

"Idiot. Only handsome guys can do it." TanThai deride Junior​ and raise his left eyebrow

"Handsome my ass. I'll get going now." Junior​ said and turn his back but before he step he said something.

"Please get a room and use condom."

Japan remove his shoe and throw it to Junior, but before it could hit Junior, he run for his life.

"That dumbass. I'll kill him when I get home." Japan pick his shoe and face TanThai. The younger has a devil smirk on his face.


"Junior​ is right. What flavor do you want P'Jay? Orange? Strawberry? Mint? Chocola-- aww! Aww! OK I'll stop." before he could finish Japan run towards him and smack his head with his shoe.

"You idiot, no wonder you are best friends." Japan said and still smacking the younger.

"Hahaha. I'm just joking, P'." TanThai stop the older and hold his hands.

"You know, I'll not do it unless you're the one to ask. Haha-aww." Japan punch his arms.

He just laugh cause Japan's face is red because of irritation.

"Haha. I'm sorry P'. Let's go home." he still laughing. Japan is so cute to tease.

"Go home yourself." Japan pick his bag and left the younger.

"Wait for me, P'!" TanThai run towards Japan and cling his arms into the older.

They walk together out of the school and got separated cause TanThai's family car and his chauffeur is already waiting for him.

"BYE P'JAY! SEE YOU TOMORROW." He shouted before getting into the car.

Hi guys! So I'm back with a new story. I make JapanTanThai story after DewBlue first cause they're the 4th couple in WHY RU.

And for the first time in my life, I hate the feeling of being single. XD

Vote. Comment and share your thoughts guys. 🤧

JapanTanThai 2
Sneak peak

"You can do it P'Jay." TanThai hold Japan's shivering hands.

"What if we can't win?"

"We can P'Jay. OK? Just remember, win or lose I'll be by your side. Okie na?" TanThai kiss the older's hand to ease his nervousness.

"And remember, if we win, I'll give you a prize." TanThai smile.

What do you think guys is better?
Meow couple or Nation couple? 🤧

And should I call you guys, kitten?

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