Chapter One

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As soon as I walked into that school, I hated it. A group of girls with unbelievably short shorts and leggings of ever color were whispering and laughing by the door and the "jocks" were messing around by the stairs. The cheerleaders were standing at the side, pom poms in hand, ready to do fancy flips and I guess cheer. I pulled my headphones away from my ears and hung them around my neck, the noise of it all exploding in my ears. As I walked towards the stairs mutiple eyes turned towards me. I heard them whispering about me..About my eye.. or lack of...about my bright red hair...about the scar that ran down my neck and disappeared into my shirt collar.

"What are you staring at?" I growled, glaring in thier direction.

"Jackson Grey?" I looked up at the person in front of me. "I'm Mrs. Lawrence, the principle. Welcome to Silver Shore High."

She smiled down at me (Well, not really down since she was only an inch or so taller than me) and then led me into her office. As soon as we stepped into the room the door was shut, blocking off the chaos outside.

"Have a seat Jackson." She sat down in a black leather computer chair behind a big wooden desk.

I took a seat in one of the plush black chairs in front of the desk. The office was small, the lavender walls covered in some places by pictures and motivational posters. A picture frame that stood on the desk next to an empty mug held a picture of a teen aged girl with the same jet black hair as Mrs. Lawrence.

"That's my daughter Kylee." She said, "She's in you grade, so she will be showing you around."

She swiveld her chair towards me slightly and picked up some papers.

"Here is your scedule." She handed me a list. 

I scanned through it. English, Biology, Food Prepartions, History, Geometry, Study Hall...not bad.

"Hello?" I looked up over the paper to see the girl from the picture, her black hair falling down her back in perfect waves.

"Oh Hello Kylee!" Mrs. Lawrence stood up and smiled at her daughter, "This is Jackson Grey."

I waved and got up.


She managed to somehow pull off a closed-eyed smile.

"Hello, we must get to class or we'll be late." She spun around and walked out of the office.

I followed and as soon as I got into the hallway I was slammed against the lockers. What the hell?? Kylee was standing in front of me, wiping her hand on her plaid skirt and looking at me like I was an "offering" her cat dragged onto the front porch.

"Look," She pushed some of her hair out of her face, "Don't excpect that I'll let you tag along like a lost little mutt all day."

I just stared at her, struggling to hold back a growl and a curse. Who does she think she is throwing me around like that?? She gave me a small smile and walked off down the hall. I made a certain one fingered gesture and headed off to find my locker. I found it and threw my bag in, going to find my first class.

"Mr. Grey." The teacher smiled at me, I muttered a hello and found a seat in the back as he started talking about all the "exciting" things we were going to do and learn this year.

"Mr. Williams!" A girl ran into the classroom, her light brown hair in a messy ponytail, her bangs sticking up at odd angles, "I'm here! I have a late slip!"

She held out a crumpled peice of paper.

"Ah, Jennifer." He took the paper and smoothed it out a little "Nice to see you in class today."

He gestured to the back of the room and she ran down the aisle, tripping but catching herself halfway. She sat down in the desk beside me.

"Hi, I'm Jenni!" She grinned at me.

"Uh...Jackson." I looked over at her, she had hazel eyes and black rimmed glasses. She was wearing a blue t-shirt that said "Kawaii Cupcakes" in pink bubble letters over a little dancing, smiling cupcake.

"You work at that weird cosplay bakery shop?" I asked, I had walked around town a bit before school had started and found a weird little shop that served you cake, tea, coffee, and other pastries all with anime-like "kawaii" faces. All the waitresses/waiters were wearing cat ears and other cosplay outfits also.

"Yes! Isn't that place awesome? They serve the most amazing lemon cake!" she tugged her hair down from it's knot to let it fall around her face. "You should come sometime this week, lemon cake is the special on Thursday."

I nodded before the teacher warned us to be quiet.

It would turn out that, that week I would make more friends that consisted of the "dorks" that sat at the same lunch table as Jennifer. I would earn the most hate from Kylee, and I would try the most amazing lemon cake I had in my entire life. This school year was starting out to be pretty good...but it wasn't even close to being over.

Okay! I hope you guys liked the first chapter ^^ Hopefully I will get a second chapter up soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2014 ⏰

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