Cнα⅊тɛʀ 24 (edited)

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Warning: Sexual assault in this chapter

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Warning: Sexual assault in this chapter

Nora's P.O.V

Fresh fields in roaming winds that flushed against my body as I frolicked free-spiritedly through the feverous grass, that's how it felt whenever I took a whiff of the delightful bouquet Elijah had given me. They were powerful and mesmerising, but I knew fully well that my boss took them from the garden I was sitting in. Taking another whiff of the flowers, I studied each one with a curiosity that matched a child. A subtle smile made its way onto my face as I thought back to the scene that had just occurred. I wanted to fight and scream at Elijah just to show him I can't be won over that easily but when he showed me a side to him that I knew he'd never show anyone else, well, that was all it took for me to understand that his hard exterior led to a mushy, romantic, and overall cringy interior.

I could say I hate him all the time, could try to be just as cold-hearted as he is sometimes, and I could ignore the exploding feelings growing whenever I was near him, but I didn't want to. Elijah was toxic there was no denying that but there were reasons behind his actions that he wouldn't reveal until he was comfortable to tell, and, in a way, he reminded me of a criminal and the broken windows theory, where people were shaped and influenced through their environments and lack of order and parental figures. Elijah was never shown love, so he wasn't sure how to show it back, he wasn't used to caring for someone either especially when he bossed everyone around and treated them poorly.

'I'll be there, I won't leave you alone, you've been isolated for too long Elijah,' it was a promise I aimed to keep.

My boss was right with his last comment though, it was too cold to be sitting outside in the chilly air, the goosebumps and shivers were getting so frequent that my fingers were turning purple and numb. 'Let's head back to the party and maybe the rest of this night will be pleasant', that's what I hoped with a cross of my fingers.

I stood from the lonely bench, the bouquet of flowers hanging loosely in my right-hand whist I started my way through the peaceful garden. Those rare beauties were coming back with me to the hotel to be showcased and admired all day, every day until they wilted, or I had to go back to New York. It was truly serene being out in the garden, with the starry sky twinkling above me and the trees swaying magically in the breeze, a stark contrast to Leon and his personality. Even the security guards patrolling the area were friendly with two catching sight of my presence and nodding in my direction before they moved on and rounded the corner of a bush maze.

Entering the mansion was a blessing especially when the heat of the hallways hit my skin and melted the shivers right off. Looking around I realised it was surprisingly empty with the area sublimely peaceful, yet further inside were loud commotions as it seemed most people had entered the grand hall. The sounds of announcements and freshly dished out food were noticeable. Standing in the empty hallway I cringed in embarrassment at the dawning thought that crossed my mind, 'All those tears probably turned me into a slobby mess', so I located a nearby bathroom to touch up my makeup.

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