where tangents meet

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she liked the sun.

he liked the moon.

both contrasting, but complementing.
both from different worlds, different lives.

they were like yin and yang. they completed each other. but, they never knew.

she was at the end of the line, and he at the other. they were balanced.

but what was at the middle?

both from different worlds, yet they met each other.

they were content. or so they thought.

so close yet so far at the same time.

until one faithful night.

she was in her favorite place, her comfort zone. her comfort rock.

watching the sun set was like a normal thing to her. after all, she loved the sun. she thought it was the most beautiful thing.

she sat there in silence on top of the hill at her rock as the breezy wind meets her long black hair and tickles her face. thinking about what would happen the next day.

she was so preoccupied with her thoughts the sun had already been set and the big moon along with the stars had started to show up.

gazing up, she stared at the stars in a daze. realizing it was nighttime, she sighed softly, contemplating whether to go or not. she decided the former.
she then decided to go after a few minutes to enjoy the weather up there, closing her eyes to savor the moment.

she heard a noise.

he was having a bad day. like every other human being.

yet this was no normal bad day.

he felt so confused, lost, a whirl of emotions stir up to him. he wanted to run away and escape this so called reality of his.

and so he did.

from big swift strides to unhurried small steps, alternating between them. his mind was blank, he decided that he would let his feet lead him somewhere far from where he was.

not like he had a choice anyway.

after walking, and walking, and walking for what seemed like an eternity, he tripped over a rock.

catching himself before completely falling, he looked around him and a feeling of confusion hits him.

'where am i?' he thought.

surrounding him was rows of trees of various kinds, grass, bits of rocks and dirt along with bushes. he was in the woods.

after concluding, he walked further in the woods to what seemed like to lead up a hill.

reaching up quietly, he was finally at the end of his destination.

it was dark but the moon up the sky provided him light. finding a place to sit and stargaze, he treaded around the area.

stepping over a twig, he finally found the perfect place to sit. but there was one detail he missed, the small figure on top of it.

hearing the noise, she turning around to see what it was, her golden hazel eyes meeting bright red crimson ones.

her eyes widened in surprise, yet she calmed herself down, eyeing the guy.

he was strikingly handsome. tall, lean, and muscular but not too much. he had blonde unkept spiky hair. he was also wearing a white polo which was unbuttoned and loose, and some teal colored slacks which hanged around loosely as well, his belt seemed to hold it together.

realizing she was gawking at the man, eyeing him from top to bottom. she quickly looked away and apologized to him which to her dismay, was unnoticed. she tried calling out to him and he finally came to his senses.

his eyes meeting beautiful golden hazel-like eyes, he was bewildered. her black long locks swaying softly, complementing her small face. she wearing a white polo like his but it was more kept, a tie hanging loosely which looked like was intended to, and her polo tucked into her skirt.

what seemed like her blazer, backpack and her personal belongings scattered beside her. she looks like she had just gone out from school a couple hours ago just like him.

her calls snapped him back to realize that he was staring at her like she did. of course he didn't knew the latter.

so many questions in his mind, and he settled with, "i'm sorry, what did you say?"

her staring and apology unnoticed, she says, "who are you? what are you doing here this late?"

he seemed to wonder the same thing so he answered, "i was about to ask you the same thing."

"i live around here."

'oh.' he thought. "i've never seen you before, are you new here?"

"oh uh no i was walking around and stumbled upon this place." he denied.

"now that you have my point of view, what's yours?"

she contemplated whether to tell him or not. she sighed, "this is what i call my comfort rock." she said unenthusiastically.

"oh sorry i shouldn't have asked that." he realized he had touched a sensitive topic.

"it's fine, not like you know me anyways."

after a few seconds of silence he asked, "you said this is your comfort rock? what brings you here then?"

"why should i answer that question? and why are you still here?" she said annoyed.

"oh come on, don't be such a downer. i've had a rough day give me a break, plus! it's better to rant to a stranger as they say, right?" he insisted politely.

she grumbled in annoyance wondering he was still here and why she was going to answer him, "it's not really different from my other days but, just pent up emotions i guess.."

he followed up with, "about what?"

"about my family and school basically." she answered like it wasn't a taboo thing for her.

it then dawned upon him that they were somehow similar yet, different in a way. "well i just came home to my family falling apart right before my eyes without them even knowing about it."

"probably too busy to find people like us." she agreed.

a minute of silence for the both of them thinking about their lives as the breezy wind continued to softly sway around them.

"tough life huh?" she remarked.

"tell me about it."

and so the two teenagers just sat and conversed there for hours, ranting and confessing bottled up emotions with a touch of humor here and there. slowly enjoying each other's company.

"aw man, the sun was gone too soon." she said sadly.

"why the dismay m'lady?" he jokes, they both chuckle lightly.

"well it's just that, i really really love the sun."

"oh?" he continued.

after a while she replied, "words couldn't even describe enough on how much i love the sun." she sighs dreamily, like a lovesick puppy upon their conversation, beside him.

the poor boy was just standing there so of course she had to let him sit somehow, with a little distance that is.

"really? well i could say the same for the moon and the stars, you could say i adore them." he said smugly, beside her.

"why do you like the sun so much?" he asks.

"because i could see many things in the daylight, beautiful as it shines within."

"why do you like the moon?" she said looking at him.

"because i could stargaze at the stars and the moon as it reflects the water, also giving a subtle light to guide me through the lonely night." he answered looking back at her.

she was at the end of the line, and he was at the other. they were balanced.

but they still met in the middle.

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