Greetings from the SpamChamps!

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Hello, everyone! We are the SpamChamps, a group of good Wattpad friends embarking on a journey to leave 1K comments on BakuDeku books!

This book records major events on SpamChamps history, beginning with Notorious Neko (and perhaps Drunken Kisses)!

Many SpamChamps members will partake in writing this log, but our main recorder, Sylvia at MultiFandomSylvia, will be writing a lot here!

Before we get into the member introductions, let's briefly introduce the SpamChamps first.

SpamChamps is composed of around fifteen Wattpaders that met online and became friends; our goals are to chat happily in (mainly) BakuDeku books, and try to make a single comment thread have 1k+ replies on it!
We chat about everything and anything, so if you wanna join in, feel free to do so at any time!

Now, without further ado, let's have a small greeting from each and every SpamChamps member!


~> Greetings & Self-introductions <~

ARadiantThingART says:
Oi, Wassup! My names Art, CraZArt, or AOw. It's not my real name, of course, but it stuck to me. I joined the SpamChamps at Drunken Kisses, and at first, I wasn't too fond of the idea of having my phone blown up. But as the spam continued, I realized all of these people were fucking hilarious and overall nice. They all somewhat ship BakuDeku, too, so that's when I knew that I had found my people,since I am a BkDk OTP. I would like to think the my name 'Art' goes two different ways. First, Cra-Z-Art. It reflects my creative way and overall craziness. I'm not too crazy about change, but I will back anything up. The second Art can also stand for a book, The Art Of War. To represent that, I will fuck up anybody that attacks me or my SpamChamps. I will stand beside any of my friends in any war. These are the two sides of me; stand up for what you believe in! But don't forget to go crazy every once in awhile! Now if you excuse me, Imma go read my BKDK "manga", as Mousey-Waifu calls it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Peace Out!✌🏻

ciolJen says:
Heyo! I'm ciolJen, otherwise known as CJ in the gaming part of the internet, but everyone calls me Jen! I'm a teen mom who loves to read, write, draw, and listen to music! I joined the SpamChamps on my own books called a 'This is a Total Mix Up'! I'm the voice of reason in this group and the oldest. So, if you'll excuse me, my baby is screaming so, bye! 💜

daisowo says:
Hello! I'm daisowo. I'm a proud member of the SpamChamps! I drink 'respect women' juice like it's water. I love fish, and I love you, uwu

GHOST529 says:
Hey~ It's me, Ghost529, or Ghostie/Ghost, as my fellow spatters have dubbed me. I found and joined this amazing group on Notorious Neko and have stuck around since then 😄. At first, I disliked the idea of having my phone blown up by a massive amount of notifications, but now... I'm glad I stayed! The amount of support and kindness within the Spam Champs is bigger than the size of the solar system! For hobbies outside of Wattpad, I do singing, reading real books and drawing. That's me done!

IIsDogFan69 says:
Hewwo there! Harlow here, or IIsDogFan69. I pretty much live off of BakuDeku fanfics, so one day I found a funny comment on a chapter of Notorious Neko, and I decided to reply something back. Next thing I knew, I had like 40 notifications and decided to keep commenting. Then I go and learn this is like a whole cult or something, and I just kinda... went along with them I guess? But yeah, I read fanfics, I write fanfics, so I was bound to find them some way or another. I usually just read the stuff while wheezing after some of the people's comments, but I butt in every once in awhile. But yeah, that's my story. See ya.

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