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Kanon wakes up in her bedroom to the sound of giggling and sees her sister's face about 7 inches away from hers. 

"WAAAAAAA, WHAT?!" Kanon yells, sitting up and pushing Anon away, who is now full on laughing.

"What'd you do that for??" she exclaims.

Anon, who is now catching her balance, laughing, "I got bored waiting for you to wake up, and it's hilarious. Your face was PRICELESS! Get up sleepy head! It's Monday, and already 8:30am!"

Kanon sighs, "I'll get her back later." She turns toward the side table and looks at the clock. It is indeed a little past 8:30am, grumbling she sits up, not ready for the day to start.

"Come on, get dressed, you don't want to sleep in until 5 and miss school again do you?" Anon teases. Kanon just shakes her head and giggles. "Fine, get out of my room and I will." Anon skips happily and victoriously out of the other Kanon's room, closing the door behind her. She gets out of bed and walks over to her orange wardrobe.

Opening it, she wonders what to wear. She then spots a white crop top and a pair of blue shorts with small rips. Kanon quickly removes her fleecy purple pajamas and pulls the crop top over her head and put her shorts on. She slips on her socks and a pair of white tennis shoes, grabs her orange backpack and heads to the bathroom. She sets her bag down outside the door when she receives a text from Anon.

"Hurry up butthead!"

Kanon rolls her eyes as she giggles, brushing her hair and teeth. Pulling, the hair band off her wrist, she ties her long, orange hair up into her usual side ponytail and walks out of the bathroom to see Anon eating breakfast in the kitchen.

Anon is wearing her favorite yellow dress with orange flowers, completing the look with small orange stud earrings, a few orange bracelets and orange flats. She looks up at her twin and waves as she finishes chewing. Kanon waves back, greeting her as she goes to get some cereal for herself. She grabs the cereal box along with the milk and poured them into a bowl. Kanon goes to the drawer to get a spoon and sits across from Anon at the kitchen table.

"Hey sis, do you have your backpack this time? We aren't in high school anymore."

"Haha, very funny," Anon rolls her eyes.

"I try" Kanon chuckles, starting to eat.

As they finish their breakfast, the alarm that Kanon set on her phone for school goes off.

"Crap, time to go, are you driving?" asks Anon, placing their bowls on the counter.

"Yeah, let's go" Kanon answers as she grabs her keys from the coat hook behind her and heads outside to her car with Anon.

They climb in the car and Kanon turns it on and pulls out of the driveway.

"So," she inquires, "What's your thing with Kaito-san?"

"Can you not?"

"Why not?" Kanon giggles.

"Because I have no chance," mutters Anon as they arrive at school 10 minutes early, thanks to reckless speeding.

Kanon parks next to their shared first period class, a large, simple brick building with the letter and numbers "A24" hung up beside the door in gold lettering. Kanon turns to Anon, cocking her head to the side.


"Because I'm a nobody," Anon mumbles, avoiding Kanon's gaze. "We don't have many original songs and we hardly get any gigs. We're lucky we got scholarships, we would've never even been able to afford to come here otherwise. Kaito-san is too far above me, don't you see that?"

In Your Embrace (REWROTE CHP 6)Where stories live. Discover now