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Thank you for coming.

Oikawa slammed his fist against the lockers, the sound of the impact echoing through the room.

"God damn it."


"God DAMN IT."




His fist rested on the cold metal as he leaned his forehead against it. He told himself he wouldn't cry.

"This is so pathetic," he thought as he saw his tears drop from his chin onto the ground.

Karasuno was celebrating. They had won against Aoba Joshai.

Again, someone had beaten Oikawa. Again, he wouldn't see Nationals. And this— it was the end. His last chance.

He pushed himself off the lockers and sat on a bench, elbows on his knees and face in his hands.

"Fucking pathetic."


A voice. Oikawa stopped sobbing momentarily.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know anyone was here."

He turned his face away from the direction the voice was coming from and wiped his tears off to the best of his ability. Then he turned his head to face you.

He knew you. He knew you too well. The face in the crowd, always sitting on Karasuno's side. The face that would only glance at him as he made his powerful serves while everyone else gawked. The girl who had planted herself in the back of his mind as he focused in on the game.

"It's... it's fine. You're fine," he finally got out after staring at you a second too long.

Your face showed a slight bit of relief as you cautiously moved closer to him.

"Uh," you tried to find the right words to say. "I'm not sorry that you lost."

Oikawa furrowed his eyebrows. The expression on his face made you widen your eyes in realization of how mean the words you had just said sounded.

"No no!" You continued. "What I mean is, I wanted you to lose so I'm not going to lie about that! I go to Karasuno so obviously I wanted us to win. I mean, if anything, I'm sorry we won't get to play you again."

Oikawa's face softened. "Play Seijou?" He asked quietly.

"No, you. You're unlike any volleyball player I've ever seen. You're incredible. My brother would agree."


Your eyes lit up at the mention of your brother. "Yeah! His name is Daichi, the captain of Karasuno."

Oikawa was taken aback. "Daichi!? Sawamura!? You don't look anything like Daichi!"

You couldn't help but laugh a little at his reaction. "Yeah, he's my step brother."

This was exposition, finding out these things about you. It was exposition to a story Oikawa wanted to play out. You were right there, for the first time you weren't just a face in the crowd.

You were pretty, so pretty. There was something in your eyes that Oikawa had simply never seen before. It was spirit, a delight that came with just being alive. He wanted to look closer, lean in toward your face and gaze deeply into those beautiful eyes right before your lips touched.

The fact that you would just ignore him during the games made him want to chase you, reach out and force you to look at him when he would put more power into his serves in an effort to impress you. When he would orchestrate the court more vocally, because maybe then you'd hear.

But he knew nothing would work. Your eyes were always in his direction, but they looked right past him. Your gaze was always so close to reaching him, but it was always settled on his side. He knew why.

"Oikawa!" A voice had come as if on queue. Oikawa turned to face it and you once again, looked past him to train your eyes on the boy on the other side of the room.

Oikawa sighed. "Iwa."

Iwaizumi began walking toward the two of you.

Your heartbeat got fast and faster as he neared you. Iwaizumi looked at you and furrowed his eyebrows.

"You're telling me," he began, "we've been waiting in the bus for 20 minutes because you were with another one of your fangirls!?"

You blushed and took a little step back. "I- I'm not— I'm not a fan girl! I don't even go to this school!"

Iwaizumi's face softened as he took you in. "Oh, sorry about that then. Shittykawa's ego seems to be getting to me."

"Hey!" Oikawa exclaimed at his friend.

You smiled softly at the joke and looked down to your side. "You played really well today."

Oikawa's jealously overtook him. Of course you knew how well Iwaizumi was playing— you just watched him the whole time.

There was a level of understanding on Oikawa's part. His best friend was handsome, tanned, and muscular. He was incredibly driven and talented. If Oikawa had been interested in boys, it's possible he would've seen Iwaizumi much differently.

But Oikawa did have understanding regarding himself too. He was good-looking and charming beyond compare— it was clear from the number of love confessions he would receive throughout the year.

However, nothing of his seemed to get through to you.

"Maybe if I told her about the college prep classes I take. Oh! Or if I told her about my mom teaching me how to make that incredible fried rice."

Nothing would work. He knew it from the way you gazed up at Iwaizumi as he thanked you for the compliment, your eyes exhibiting infatuation that Oikawa knew Iwaizumi would have trouble detecting. It was so obvious, your feelings for him. It angered Oikawa that from what he knew of his friend, he would somehow be unaware.

Iwaizumi grabbed Oikawa's arm suddenly and yanked him back with him. "Sorry, but we have to go. This loser is treating the team to a meal."

Oikawa shook himself out of Iwaizumi's grip and grimaced as he rubbing his arm. He finally turned to you and gave a weak smile. "Bye, it was nice meeting you. Tell Daichi I give him my congratulations. Karasuno was a real challenge." And with that, he turned on his heel and walked in front of Iwaizumi, leaving you there.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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