Chapter 16-WarLock Coven

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DeeDee finally mentioned the first name of the person who left me that blue crystal. Ashton, but if he was apart of the warlock coven why would he leave that for me ?

"Where is this Ashton guy ?" Calum asked, DeeDee looked reluctant to say anymore. "You must know something."

Just then, Luke came barreling in the front door of the shop in a panic. His eyes were wide and it looked like he had seen a ghost..

"You guys, there's someone out there asking around about something.." Luke said, I could see a piece of paper scrunched in his first.

"What are they asking about ?" Calum demanded. "Just spit it out."

Luke handed me the paper and my body felt like a cold breeze just hit it. The flyer was actually a printed out photo of me..

Calum grabbed the paper and his face immediately scrunched up with concern and anger.

"How'd you get this ?" Calum asked, Luke shrugged his shoulders.

"A man approached me and asked if I had seen Hailey. Of course I said no but the man seemed adamant on finding her." Luke said.

Calum handed the paper to DeeDee and she seemed to meditate for a few minutes on it.

"This man works for Michael. He must've sent some of his men to find you." DeeDee said. "You need to find Ashton, he will know how to stop them."

"Where can we find him ?" Calum asked again, DeeDee grabbed a pen and paper and wrote down a address, handing it to him.

"He lives above the bar he works at."DeeDee said. "But you need to say the code word at his door to get him to let you in."

"I thought you said he didn't want us to know where he was ?" Calum said sarcastically, I glared at him to shut up.

"He did say that in case the coven comes after Hailey to give the address to his place and the code word Witch. To prove you aren't spies from the coven." DeeDee said. "Go now, it's only a matter of time before that man comes looking in here."

Luke Scoffs. "Witch ? How original."

Calum thanks DeeDee and grabs my hand and we rush out of the shop. We all get into the car and speed out of the parking lot.

"So what did that weird lady say ?" Luke asked. "Why are these men looking for you, Hailey ?"

I shrugged my shoulders, clueless as to what my powers could do to help them defeat the wolf pack.

"All I know is that a former member of that coven left me a crystal that activated my powers and now the coven he was apart of is coming after me for these powers I have no idea how to use." I replied, rolling down the window because I was feeling really hot.

"Maybe your Mom or Brother know something ?" Luke adds.

I grabbed a magazine and started fanning myself. Why was I feeling so hot all of sudden ? It was like this power was building up inside me.

"Hailey ?" Calum said, I turned to look at him. "You ok ?"

I brushed him off and went back to looking out the window.

"I'm not really sure my Mom and Brother can answer what we need answers to." I replied to Luke after a long silence.

I was feeling really hot and dizzy, what was going on with me ?

"Hailey, you sure you're ok ?" Luke asks. "You don't look so good.."

Gee, thanks Luke. Just what every girl wants to hear ! I was really thirsty all of a sudden, my throat felt like sandpaper.

"I'm fine..." I said. "Calum do you have any water ?"

Calum shook his head, when he looked at me. His face grew concerned.

"We can stop at a gas station to get you something to drink." Calum said. "Are you sure you're ok ?"

He put his hand on the side of my face, his face growing more concerned.

"Hailey you're burning up !" Calum said. "We need to cool you down, we're stopping at a hotel."

Luke scoffed in the back, earning a glare from him.

"She should see a Doctor, I don't think some hotel is going to cure her." Luke stated.

Calum's fists tightened on the steering wheel.

"We can't with those men looking for her." Calum said. "They know her powers are just starting to ignite, that will be the first place they look."

Then everyone in the car became silent for a while, which I was grateful for. I leaned my head against the seat and ended up drifting off to sleep.

'Hailey.' A distant voice said.

I was once again a wandering the woods by my parents house and Echo Lake appeared. The middle of the lake was glowing, like something was in it.

'It's in the lake Hailey, but only you can draw it out.' The voice said again.

I started to walk towards the lake but a Werewolf and Warlocks blocked my path. Did they know where the Scepter was ?

'You have to get it, Hailey. Before either group finds you and uses you to find it's location.'

Then like that, the werewolves and Warlocks faded away. Leaving just me and the lake, I walked towards the dock and walked to the very end.

The water was rippling like there was a storm but all was clear in the sky. I held my hand out and it started to glow and a beam went from my hand into the middle of the lake.

Then slowly, the scepter started to emerge from the lake. It levitated towards me, until my hand made contact with it. Then everything went white.

And I woke up, the car was parked in what I can assume is the hotel Calum was mentioning we stop at. I looked at the driver's side and he was gone. Where did he go ?

I nearly jumped when Luke knocked on the window, so I rolled it down.

"Sorry to wake you Princess but Calum is currently getting a room key and he wanted me to get you." Luke said.

I sighed and got out of the car, nearly falling as my knees buckled but Luke caught me before I could fall.

"What's going on with you ?" He asked worried. "You've been off balance since we went to that shop."

I steadied myself and stood up. I wasn't feeling as hot but I was still feeling weird..

"I have no idea, Luke." I said. "I've been feeling sick since that night..."

Calum walked towards us with keys in hand, he threw one to Luke and looked at me curiously but didn't say anything.

"Let's go." Calum said. "We got a trip to make tomorrow."

What would this trip lead us to ?

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