Jessica PoV
After what feels like the longest lift ride I've been in, we get to the ground floor. Simon lets me go out before him.
"Jess, I'm sorry"
The audacity he had to say that to me.
"Yeah. I'm sorry too. For trusting you." I hiss.
With that Simon leaves. Just like that. Like he didn't just break my heart. Again.
I start feeling light headed, so I decide to go sit on the steps. More like stumble.

I tear up again. Just when I'd stopped crying. I think of everything that has happen between me and Simon the past year:
Him getting a job at sprq point.
Him meeting Zoey.
Him opening up to Zoey about his dad.
Him becoming jumpy whenever I said her name.
Me overhearing Zoey talking to her mother at our engagement party.
Zoey being all nicey nice to me at the engagement party.
Her setting the rose wall on fire. (Gotta admit that was funny)
Then, him telling me we weren't working anymore.
Who knows what else has happened.

I turn on my phone, and call Eddie.
"Hey, can you come pick me up?"

Four days later.

"Eddie, are you seeing Mo today?" I ask while brushing my hair.
"However did you guess?" Eddie asks with a huge grin on his face.
"Not difficult to tell," I hold back my giggles, "is it anything special?"
"Nope, just going out for coffee,"
"Would I be able to join you both?"
"Of course, sister!"

"Eddie! Jessica!" Mo greets us with hugs.
Eddie gives Mo a kiss on the cheek.
"Let's go in and get a coffee," I beamed.
I push the door open and hold it for Eddie and Mo, "so what does everyone want, I'll go order," I ask them both.
"I'll have a ice latte Jess," Eddie replied. "And Mo will most definitely want a green tea."
Mo laughs "You know me too well."

I stroll through my twitter feed while waiting in the line. Looking through all my messages, wishing me well with my breakup.
"Let dad know I love him, and I'll try come over today just to see him." That voice, it sounds very familiar. Chipper and annoyingly happy.
"Yes, I know mom. Mom I love you so much but I don't want to talk about Simon."
Simon... it's Zoey, Zoey is the one behind me. Great. Just what I needed. Maybe if I just not speak until needed she won't realise it's me.
"Mom, I don't want to talk about my love life with you currently, Simon just broke up with Jessica- Jessica.. oh my, mom I have to go," Zoey's voice goes quieter with the last sentence, when she realised I was in front if her. "Jessica, fancy seeing you here."
I turn around to see Zoey half smiling. It looks like she's forgotten how to smile.
"Zoey. Likewise," I say, awkwardly, unsure how to be around her.
"How are yo-" Zoey interrupts "How have you been?" Zoey starts awkwardly laughing.
"I've been better, I'm guessing you heard about Simon and I."
"I guess you could say that,"
"I know it's not really my business anymore, but what were you talking about to your mum about?" I ask suddenly.
Zoey freezes, with a guilty look on her face.
"I mean, it isn't really a-anything," Zoey pauses, "Okay that was a lie. Simon invited me over for dinner tonight."
This dumbfounds me, Simon asked Zoey, out for dinner. Four days after we broke up. I'm so glad to hear he's heartbroken, and full of guilt.
"Well then, good luck with that one. He tends to disappoint."
"Miss, are you ready to order?"

Later that night

Zoey's POV
I rush out of Simon's apartment block, he sung Mad World again ! He clearly is not ready for a relationship. I don't even know why I thought he would be. He and Jessica broke up just four days ago.
"He tends to disappoint" Jessica's words keep going around and around my head. Ringing in my ears. Maybe my brain is trying to tell me something. No. No just no, I refuse to believe that. Like I sang to him, I want him to want me. I'm so attracted to him. He is the hottest man I have ever laid eyes on. Thankfully he came to his senses and broke it off with Jessica. Wait no, Zoey that's mean. Don't think like that.

I hear a knock on my door, then straight away it opens.
"Mo, no need to knock, you just come in anyway." I snort.
"Classy Zoey. So, gimme the deeds on Simon. How was dinner, did he sing to you? Spill."
"I left. He sung Mad World again."
"That man. No he did not?" He asks, generally curious.
"He did," I grab two glasses and a bottle of wine. "I saw Jessica earlier, how strange am I right?"
I pass Mo a glass and pop open the red wine. I pour him half a glass and fill mine up as much as I can without spilling it.
"Yes, I know you did. I was with her at that cafe," Mo replied, "I mean, I don't blame her for being upset with Simon. And you for that matter."
"Me? What did I do?" I question.
"You know they just broke up, Simon should not," Mo starts rising his voice when saying it, "be ready to even think of a new relationship. And that's that."

I wake up feeling fresh, and excited for the day ahead. Then I remembered my day yesterday. Oh my, I have to face Simon today.

I walk to my desk, trying to avoid Simon. Thankfully he doesn't see me.
"Zoey, we need your help with the chirp." Tobin announce's
"Lets see the problem and try get it fixed guys."
Tobin walks me over and shows me the problem.

One missed call from Mo.

Incoming call from Mo.

"Hey Mo, what's wrong?"
"Zoey, have you spoke to Simon today?"
"I haven't, I basically have stayed out of his way all day so I don't need to face him."
"Well, he texted Jess last night, we think he was drunk. Saying how he was sorry for wanting you so badly."
"No he did not."
"He did. Now child go talk to him."

And with that, Mo hung up. I was so surprised by what I was just told. He actually texted Jessica last night apologising for wanting me. That's kinda hot.

I head over to Simon office. When I hear him singing.

You had me hooked again from the minute you sat down
The way you bite your lip
Got my head spinnin' around
After a drink or two
I was putty in your hands
I don't know if I have the strength to stand

He was singing and dancing around his office. I wonder who he's singing about.

Trouble troublemaker yeah
That's your middle name, oh oh oh
I know you're no good but you're stuck in my brain
And I wanna know, why does it feel so good but hurt so bad?
Whoa, my mind keeps saying, "run as fast as you can"
I say I'm done but then you pull me back
Whoa, I swear you're giving me a heart attack, troublemaker

Is he singing about me? That's what I'm getting from this whole situation. Simon starts grinning.

It's like you're always there in the corners of my mind
I see a silhouette every time I close my eyes
There must be poison in those finger tips of yours
'Cause I keep comin' back again for more
Oh oh oh, trouble troublemaker yeah
That's your middle name, oh oh oh
I know you're no good but you're stuck in my brain
And I wanna know, why does it feel so good but hurt so bad
Whoa, my mind keeps saying "Run as fast as you can"
I say I'm done but then you pull me back
Whoa, I swear you're giving me a heart attack, troublemaker

"Zoey!" Simon cheerfully says as I walk in his office.
"Hey, I'm sorry about last night, it's just, I got the vibe you weren't ready for it to happen. And I heard you texted Jessica last night after I left. About how you were sorry for wanting me badly or something?"
Simon looks surprised by the fact I knew about this.
"Yes. Yes I did in fact text Jessica. I got drunk after you left. It was wrong of me to do so."
"Yeah Simon it was. She doesn't deserve that. I know she doesn't like me and you are attracted to me but doing that is so terrible."
"I won't do it again" he winked at me when he said this.

Incoming call from Mo

"I got to go Simon, talk later."

And with that, I leave Simon's office. God he is so much more disrespectful than I knew.

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