Chapter 1 - Ravenclaw rules

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Kings Cross station was crowded, as usual. Muggles skipping to and fro, greeting loved ones, boarding trains, all blissfully unaware of the secret society hidden just under their noses.

Simone walked with her father, past platforms six seven eight and nine. They stopped at the junction at nine and ten. Casually, as to not draw attention, they leaned into the wall. Coils of thick steam were emerging from the crimson engine, as children stuck their heads out of windows to converse with parents.

Simone turned to her father.

"Be careful this year." He said, rubbing her shoulder.

She rolled her eyes. "I always am, dad."

"This year will be different." He smiled at her knowingly.

"What are you talking about?"

"I've said too much already. Just know that I love you and I'm proud of you, my little Ravenclaw."

She grinned at him, lugging her trunk towards the train.

"Simone Violetta Shacklebolt!"

She spun around. "What?"

"Suddenly you don't hug me goodbye?"

Exasperated, she dropped her trunk, rushing over to embrace the taller man. "Sure you can't tell me about this mysterious Hogwarts thing?"

Kingsley shook his head solemnly. "Write to me, if you have a chance okay?"

"Of course." She grabbed her trunk, and for the second time, headed towards the train. This time she didn't stop.

Simone entered the train as soon as it began to move. Tucking a dark curl behind her ear, she began to navigate the corridor, peering into each compartment in search of -"


Suddenly, she was enveloped in an eager hug. "Ruth!"

The shorter brunette grabbed her arm and pulled her into a compartment.

"Look who finally showed up." Roger Davies smirked at her coyly from behind an issue of the daily prophet.

Simone couldn't help but grin at the sight of her three closest school friends.

"Roger, you were at the cup, weren't you? I went with my father. It was fantastic!"

"Fuck. it was magical. My dad scored us great tickets too. We were-" Roger trailed off, his eyes glued on the backside of a girl passing through the corridor. "Woah, is that Angelina Johnson? She's got quite the arse!"

Ruth and Sophie rolled their eyes in disgust. "Starting this year off strong, aren't we Davies?" Simone said, smirking. "That's one sickle in the douche jar."

"What! That was a compliment!" Roger protested, reluctantly handing a sickle to Simone.

"I don't know why we even bother to hang around this fool." Sophie teased, ruffling rogers hair.

"Without me around, who would you idiots make fun of!"

"I wouldn't worry about that, there is no short supply of idiots in this school."

As if on cue, the Weasley twins walked by, shoving each other. The four Ravenclaws smirked.

"Oh yeah, quidditch cup. Was great! Irish victory too, my parents and I were celebrating all night, at least until that dark mark showed up..."

"Yeah," Simone replied, shaking her head. "Stupid. My dad abandoned me in the tent to search for those idiots."

"Honestly, I've never gotten the hype around that sport," Ruth said, rolling her eyes. "It's way too far up, makes me nauseous just thinking about it."

"That's no way to talk to your quidditch captain!" Roger exclaimed in mock anger.

"Roger, I think you ought to recruit her, the team could certainly use all the help it could get." Simone teased.

"Hey! You take that back. We were neck-in-neck with Gryffindor last year. I swear since Wood graduated, they'll be nothing. I have a theory that his speeches were the only thing keeping those lions in line."

Simone burst into laughter. she remembered Oliver Wood, the overeager Gryffindor keeper. He had been a real riot at parties, encapsulating the true nature of Gryffindor's loyalty.

The four Ravenclaws reminisced and exchanged stories as the scarlet train sped through the mountains and into the moors of Scotland.

Soon the conversation turned to the mysterious Hogwarts event.

"I reckon it'll be some sort of house based thing. My mom mentioned it had something to do with competition" Ruth, whose mother worked in the ministry, said.

"Excellent. Ravenclaw would do fantastic in that." Simone grinned. "Whilst Slytherin and Gryffindor butt heads like a couple of violent toddlers, Ravenclaw will cunningly steal first place. A true underdog victory."

"That would be excellent." Sophie mused. "It's getting quite dark out, we ought to arrive soon."

As if on cue, the train began to slow, pulling into Hogwarts station. The four of them filed out, lining up to grab a carriage. The therstrals were pulling them as usual. Simone was the only one of her friends who could see them, she had been since the accident. Why are you thinking about your mother now? She thought to herself. The dementors aren't here anymore, no need to dwell on your worst moments.

Pushing those thoughts out of her mind, she accepted Roger's extended arm and climbed into the carriage. The four of them were joined by several chatty fourth-year Hufflepuffs, as they recounted the world cup for the umpteenth time, Simone leaned back in her seat. She was really in her sixth year. One more and she'd be gone, never to return. She shuddered. Best not to dwell on that either.

The carriage slowed to a stop just as Ernie Macmillan began to give a play by play of Krum grabbing the snitch. Sighing in relief that she would miss that story, Simone stepped out of the carriage, onto the grounds of Hogwarts. As usual, it looked spectacular. Cold stone walls illuminated by hundreds of glowing yellow squares, too many turrets to count. Simone spotted Ravenclaw tower, the second tallest next to the astronomy tower.

"What are you doing standing there?" Ruth yelled. "We've got a feast to eat!"

Simone grinned, running to catch up to her friends. 

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