Clash of the warriors (Adventure Time Fanfic)

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prolongue: One day a hero Named Finn was left alone at a mountain alone. Jake's parents saw him and welcomed him to their family. And after 14 years Finn had to chose His sword either to be with Evil or Stop Evil.

Chapter One: The Sword

Finn's POV

I was having a hard time chosimg swords and there were 3 Swords to pick.

Eternal lotus sword,Demon's eye sword,And the Golden Sword ,I murmured to myself, I think I'll chose the Golden sword , Then I quickly grabbed the Sword and tested it, Radical! I said. Cmon Jake lets find a demon to slay! I said Excitedly.

Jake's POV

After waiting 13 hours while Finn was chosing his Sword I fell asleep.

Then when Finn chose the Golden sword I quickly woke up and acted as if I had not fell asleep.Then Finn told me to find a demon and We would slay it. While we were searching for the monsters we came by A portal that lead somewhere randomly, Finn! Lets enter the portal Im sure there are demons there to slay. I said wondering.

To be continued.


Where does the portal lead?

Will Finn slay His first Monster?

Tune in next time On Clash of the Warriors

Sorry for the small chapter. I'll do the others soon. I hope you like it , The only reason that I cant continue yet is because it's 9PM in my place and I have school. please bear with me.


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