Chapter 17-Connection

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Of course Luke and Calum argued about who was getting the single bedroom. I ended up deciding for them and took the room myself as I didn't want to hear their bickering the whole night.

I took a quick shower and put on the same clothes from that day because I didn't expect to be going on a road trip out of nowhere. I walked back into my room and layed on the bed.

It was surprisingly quiet in Luke and Calum's room, did they kill each other or were they asleep ? I pulled the covers over me despite the fact I was still roasting and fall asleep.

I dreamed I was visiting my Dad in the hospital and he had finally woken up. I sat by his bedside as he smiled warmly at me.

"Hailey, I'm sorry we didn't tell you." Dad said, so he knew about my hidden powers ?

I grabbed his hand and gave it a warm squeeze. Even though they kept this secret from me, I still loved them to death.

"What should I do ?" I asked softly. "I've been hearing a distant voice in my dreams telling me to find the scepter."

My Dad held my hands close to his heart, I could feel his heart beat beneath my palms which was quite calming.

"You know where the scepter is Hales. You have to find it before either the rogue wolves of the wolf pack or the warlocks find it." He pleads. "Both groups want to abuse it's power for horrible reasons."

"For what reasons Dad ?" I asked. "Please tell me ?"

"To take over GrayWolf falls and soon the world." Dad replied. "You're the only one who can call the scepter out from the lake, it has to be you since I'm currently out of commission."

I sighed, why did I have to be the one to be gifted ? Kaden would've been a better option.

"All you have to do is hold your hand over the water and think of lifting the scepter from the depths of the lake." Dad said. "It will recognize you and your power."

"I don't know if I can.." I stated. "I've been feeling sick.."

My Dad put his hand on my forehead to feel for my temperature, he didn't seem too concerned like everyone else was around me.

"It's just your powers coming to the surface, it will pass." Dad smiled. "Please Hailey, I need your help."

My Dad was asking for my help from another realm, how was he doing this if he wasn't a psychic like me ? I guess I was about to find out.

"I'll do my best, Daddy." I said smiling encouragingly.

Dad sat up and pulled me into a warm hug, it felt so real and I honestly wished it were real. But I was going to enjoy it for as long as it let me.

"Make Me proud." Dad whispered in my ear and then I woke up.

Of course I was covered in sweat once again. I threw the covers off me and went into the bathroom to splash water on my face. That's when I heard Calum yelling in the other room.

I rushed into the connected room and saw Calum was tossing and turning in his bed, I looked over at Luke's bed and see he's still out like a light. Just how ?

I rush onto the bed and try to shake Calum awake but it seems whatever he is dreaming about has a strong hold on him.

"Calum ?" I said in a soft tone. "Calum please wake up.."

I tried a few more times and his eyes finally fluttered open. He sat up in shock, not really sure what just happened.

"'s ok." I said slowly. "You were just having a bad dream"

Calum sighed and ran his hands through his hair nervously. I wrap my arms around him and try my best to help calm him down. He sinks into my arms, his own wrapping around my waist.

"It's ok. I'm here." I cooed, running my hand through his tousled hair.

"Hailey...your so warm.." Calum said, i shhh him and continue to hold him close.

We sat there for about 15 minutes, just holding each other. It was so nice it almost made all of the problems I currently had seem like nothing.

"What were you dreaming about, Calum ?" I asked carefully.

Calum sat up finally and looked at me. His brown eyes were stormy looking, I found myself staring back.

"It was nothing." Calum said,he sat on the edge of the bed.

I could tell he wasn't ready to open up to me, so I just crawled over to him and planted myself next to him.

"I won't push you.." I said. "Just know that I'm here."

We sat there in silence, after a short while I got up.

"I should get back to bed.." I said, he glanced up at me and nodded.

"Thanks for comforting me, Hailey." Calum said as I reached the door. "I appreciate it."

I smiled and went back into my room, gently shutting the door. I was about to lay back in bed when my door opened again. I turned and next thing I know, Calum had his arms wrapped around my waist.

I looked up at him confused, his eyes were full of pure lust and I had no idea where it came from but I liked it.

"Calum.." I said, my hands squished to his hard chest. "What's wrong ?"

Instead of answering, his lips came down over mine. At first I was shocked by his sudden actions, but I soon found myself melting into the kiss.

"I've been wanting to do this since I met you." He growled against my lips.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back sweetly, our lips in sync with the intimacy of the moment. I leaned slowly onto the bed as Calum crawled on top of me without breaking the kiss.

His lips went from mine to down on my neck, kissing the spot between my neck and shoulder. I leaned into the mattress and just let myself get lost in the moment.

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