Twins V.S Twins Tag and New Channel

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Blue's P.O.V:

As I set up the box lights, Ruby and Emerald passed out the two white boards and markers. Josh and Ruby sat together while Cameron and Emerald sat together. I finished setting up and pressed record on the camera.

"Hello my adorable clouds in the bright blue sky. I'm SkyBlue and I am here, 10 years later. I have decided to try and make a few videos here and there and just have fun with it, since it's no longer my priority job. We have Emerald, Cameron, Ruby and Josh with us today," I announced.

"Hi!" They all waved at the camera.

"Instead of doing the best friend tag, I decided to make something unique just for us. It is called Oldest V.S Youngest. On the Oldest side we have Cameron and Emerald, who are the oldest out of their twin. On the Youngest we have Josh and Ruby, who are the youngest out of their twin," I explained, "I will be asking them questions and they have to come up with the answer and if they get it right, they get a point."

We did my signature back to back trumpet and sat back down.

"First question," I smirked, "What is my favorite store? And I have three."

Ruby started whispering to Josh as Emerald started whispering to Cameron.

"We are definitely going to win," Emerald smirked.

"In your dreams," Ruby snickered.

"Turn your boards around," I smiled.

Ruby and Josh's board read 'Brandy Melville, Louis Vuitton and Gucci'. Emerald and Cameron's read 'Brandy Melville, Louis Vuitton and Forever 21'.

"Ruby and Josh and get 2 points while Emerald and Cameron get 3 points," I smiled.

"Booyah!" Emerald and Cameron cheered.

"When did it change from Gucci?" Josh asked

"I'm a Forever 21 kid at heart," I chuckled as they whipped their boards, "I no matter what, will wear Forever 21."

"Next question," Ruby and Emerald laughed.

"Without looking, what color phone case do I have?" I asked.

The bickering between the two groups continued.

"Turn the whiteboards," I smiled.

Ruby and Josh's board read 'Clear phone case with a picture of Emerald, Ruby, Josh, Cameron and Blue' while Emerald and Cameron's board read the same thing.

"You both get a point," I smiled, "Next question. Where do I want to get married?"

Ruby and Emerald stood up and ran into my room. I raised an eyebrow and Josh and Cameron chuckled.

"You'll see," Josh and Cameron smirked.

Ruby and Emerald ran back in, Ruby was wearing the pink doughnut ears and Emerald was wearing the blue aqua Arendelle blue ears. They sat back down and smiled at the camera.

"Disney!" They all cheered.

"All of just to answer the question?" I asked.

"Yes," Ruby and Emerald chuckled as they took the ears off and put them away.

"On the topic of Disney," I chuckled, "Who is my favorite Disney princess?"

"Us!" Ruby and Emerald smiled.

"Okay, you're not wrong," I chuckled, "But for real though."

After a few minutes Ruby and Josh turned their whiteboard around to read 'Tiana' as Emerald and Cameron's read 'Ariel'.

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