Chapter 1

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My father slides a brosure across the table. I glance down at it "Camden Academy for boys is where you will be finishing your high school career at."
"are you kidding me?"
"no son, you disobayed me and your mother so this is your punishment."
going back a month or two earlier to the first day of school. "where's your first period?" Asked Jake, my best friend. we play lacrosse together
"Field, you?"
"God that sucks, I had her freshman year and she was hard and strict."
"least you can help me with homework."
"yeah sure.. I should get going, field is all the way in the English hall."
"see you later dude." jake says as he walks away, he's a really great guy, he's just kinda jerk when it comes to girls. he flips his black hair as he walks down the hall and walks to go talk to some group of girls. I look around, the halls were pretty crowded, I walk down the hall and turns left to start heading down the English hall. I continue walking down the hall, full of people lost, confused, texting, hold hands. all different types of things you will find in high school. I glance at a wooden door to see the name 'field English IV honors' yes I was taking English four as a junior. thankfully everyone in this class will be seniors so no other juniors. I walk in and glance around. a bunch of people sitting and talking. I make eye contact with a guy on my lacross team and I walk over and puts my stuff next to him as I sit down and we start talking.
after about 10 minutes the bell Rings, I turn and suddenly the class was filled and a teacher walks in and shuts the door. she was about 40, not bad looking, she did look more like a enthusiastic kindergarten teacher more so than a high school teacher. she introduced herself, telling us about her children and husband, as most teachers do. "and now I am going to assign you your first project." oh wonderful. "I'm gonna pair you up with a partner." oh shoot. "and I will assign you a classic author, you both are expected to read 8 of his/ her books, and then write a 8 page essay." the reading part isn't that bad, let's just hope my partner can write well. "I already made your partner.. starting off.." she picks up an index card and starts reading off "with our lovely two juniors." two juniors.. I say as I look around "Andrew Campbell and.. spencer hastings."

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