The Worst Day Ever

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I woke up to the alarm ringing next to my head. I groan and turn over and then i look at time. It was already 11 in the morning. That means i missed my first class of the day. Well no use waking up now. Sorry i forgot to introduce myself. I am Megan. Meghan Montmorency. I am 13 years old. I have brown hair which flow down to my waist and brown eyes. Some people say that i am pretty but i disagree. If i had blond hair and blue eyes like my best friend Sophie Knight i might like myself more. My life is boring as hell. I am not popular and truth be told i have one friend Sophie. I'm obsessed with reading books and writing them too. I've never had a boyfriend nor have i ever kissed anyone and i haven't seen my parents in over a year although we video call each other on a daily basis.

Now enough about me and on with the story. I was just about to drift back to sleep when suddenly i hear a big crash down the hall. I started and got out of bed. I grab the baseball bat i keep next to my bed stand because my neighbors keep coming to my yard and destroying it. As i head down the stairs as slowly as i could think if my neighbors had somehow broke into my house I suddenly slip down the stairs and land with a loud thud. Think my day couldn't get any worse? You're wrong.

I hear another noice behind me and hear a deep voice 

"Are you okay ?"

I gulp. I can easily tell who is standing behind me. Ashton Hughes. The hottest boy in the school.

I jump quickly to my feet and turn around. There he is. Just standing there with a look of concern on his face. I turn around to see who he's talking to.

"Me? Oh yeah I'm okay. I mean why wouldn't I be" I stop suddenly realizing that I had been babbling.

"Are you sure? I mean that fall must have hurt" He asks clearly concerned.

Aw he's so cute when he is concerned.

"Yeah I'm okay" I smile and say.

Again a realization hits me. I'm wearing my bed clothes and i probably have a bed head.

"You didn't come to school today so i just came here to lend you the notes for today" he says

"Oh uh.. Th-Thank you" I stutter and try to fix my hair.

"So well i'll be going then" he says

"Wait! Are you going back to school?" I ask


"Would you mind dropping me off?"

"Yeah hop in"

I dash upstairs and quickly change and comb my hair

"Ok i'm here..I'm here" I pant as i run down to Ashton's car.

"That was pretty quick i must say" Ashton replies with a smile

I simply smile at him and get in the car

I don't know how i managed a car ride with ashton without kissing him.

As soon as i reach school I jump out of his car muttering thank you and run to the school.

On my way there i notice that instead of notes Ashton has actually given me a copy of the Harry Potter books i slow down and open the book a letter falls out. I blink in surprise and pick up the letter. It was a yellowish envelope,addressed in emerald green to

Ms. M. Montmorency, 

1st floor, 

North Shore High School

North Shore High School

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