Accident Sex - Stephen X Alesha

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THE SITUATION: The BGT family (David, Simon, Alesha, Amanda, Ant, Dec and Stephen) having their party at the Judges' dressing room. That time, Stephen and Alesha were so drunk until both of them accidentally have sex. What will happen next, it's up to you.

"I WANNA BE WITH YOU~!!" Alesha and Stephen singing with their microphone. The rest just look at them and clapping.

In the party, there's many types of drinks; Juice, Soda, Cocktail, Beer and more. The judges' dressing room were so colourful with neon lights.

"Stephen! Come here, let's have another one!" Ant pulls Stephen to him.
"I don't want, I'm really drunk!" Stephen shakes his head.
"C'mon, have another one!" Dec gives him another bottle of beer.
"Okay, you asked it. But, no more now." Stephen drinks the beer.

Alesha come towards Stephen.

"Come with me, darling. Let's have some fun, only just both of us."
"Where?" Stephen smiles.
"At my bed, come with me."
"What are we gonna do there?"

Alesha shuts Stephen's mouth and pulls him to her room.

Later, at Alesha's bedroom

"You know what I'm gonna do, right?" Alesha opens her dress slowly.
"Finally, I've been waiting for it. C'mon baby, do it quick." Stephen winks.

After having some grown-up fun time, The next day

Both of them were fall asleep at the same bed, naked. But they didn't notice it since they were so drunk last night. Slowly, Alesha opens her eyes.

"Ugh, my head... WHAT- AHHH!" Alesha jumps from the bed and shocked when she saw Stephen was naked together with her.
"W-what just happened here? W-why am I naked?! Stephen, wake up!"

Stephen wakes up and also shocked when he saw himself naked.

"Stephen, what have we done last night?!"
"I don't know, and how can we been here?!" Stephen put on his clothes quickly.
"Did both of us had just-"
"Stop there! Don't say anymore." Stephen put his finger on Alesha's lips.

Both of them have no words to say. They just silent. A few minutes later, they began to speak.

"Oh my God, Stephen. I have a husband and you have a girlfriend! Wha..." Alesha lost her words.
"I don't know what happened last night, all I just remembered is we had a party and we drink 4 bottles of beer!" Stephen runs his hand on his hair.
"We're so done. If 5 of them knows this, our life will be end today." Alesha puts her clothes on.
"Let's go back to the dressing room. Come with me." Both of them runs to the dressing room.

Once they arrived there, that place looks really messed; Ant were sleeping on couch together with Simon, Dec were sleeping on the floor hugging an empty bottle of beer and David were sleeping on the chair with Amanda by his side.

"Phew, glad they still sleeping." Stephen sigh happily.
"I hope there's no consequences after last night." Alesha hugs Stephen who looks worry.
"Pray for it." Stephen rubs her back.


-More stories coming soon in this book

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