The Beginning

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I was brought here as a newborn baby. From what I had been able to gather from the researchers were that my mother had died giving birth to me. They didn't know who my father was nor what happened to him. It's been eight years and no one has come to save me from this wretched place. They mercilessly conduct experiments on me and force me to use my innocence on people who they need information from. My innocence gives me the ability to control people either physically or mentally.

Everything around me was made of stone. The bed happened to be my only comfort even though I remained chained to the bed. They kept me in a white gown with no shoes and no warmth. I was allowed to go to a library where a friendly scientist taught me the basics of an education. I've never been outside nor seen the outside world, even from a window but, the books that I have read tell me about it in great detail. One day I'll be able to get out of here.

I heard the keys jingle as the door was being unlocked. I looked at the men in the hoods and frowned as they unlocked my chains. Normally the researchers would come to get me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

They didn't answer as the pulled me up roughly. My innocence did not work on them. They were users as well. I tried to test my physical strength on them but, one of them yanked my long crimson hair. I yelped at the force as they made me look at their faces. I couldn't even let out the horror as I saw their eyes and mouths stitched shut. Fear shuddered through me at the possibility that something bad was going to happen to me. They dragged me to where I knew Hevlaska remained. A bit of relief flowed in me. Hevlaska is nice echoed through my brain as we made our way down to her.

They threw me to the ground near a chair. I glared at them as they walked away.

"Kaiya" an all to familiar voice boomed my name.

Hatred seeped into me as I focused my glare to the man.

" Lvellie" I growled out.

The man known as Malcolm C. Lvellie stood before me. He apparently ran this whole Black Order business in this part of the country anyways. I walked over to the chair and sat down cross legged with my face resting on my palms.

"What do you want?" I drawled with boredom.

Lvellie isn't a man who should be given anything is what I felt.

He smiled as he said, " It's time for you to become stronger".

He gestured to the rising Hevlaska who was holding something cube like. I tried to get a better look but, it was too bright. I narrowed my eyes at him. The uneasy feeling swimming in my stomach.

"Today, you are going to merge with an innocence that seems to be calling for you" he continued.

I stared at him in disbelief. I was already a parasitic type of holder for innocence. I was told my life was cut short because of it. Holding another innocence in me is crazy.

"You mean like store it in a weapon or something?" I asked.

Dread seeping into my bones as I saw the malicious spark in his eyes.

"It seems to want you. Is all I can say" he answered.

He gestured to Hevlaska once again and she moved forward. Bringing the innocence to me. Every single cell in my body begged me to run but, a part of me thought 'if I die then this will all be over'. I let her push it into me and at first everything seemed normal. Then I could hear myself screaming as the innocence ripped at my skin. I couldn't feel the coldness of the floor as I writhed from it. Blood was pooling all over and terror ran through me but, a voice murmured 'it's okay'. Suddenly the pain stopped, and the blood pooled back into my body through my wrists where a cross lay embedded in them.

I looked at Lvellie who was grinning. Blood began pooling out once again catching him off guard. The blood began to take form of a woman. The only thing not covered in pure blood remained her eyes which were violet compared to my green ones. I looked at her dumbfounded.

She rolled her eyes at me and focused her attention towards Lvellie. I bit back the need to bark at her arrogance. The innocence extended her arm to Lvellie which turned into a sword at his throat. It happened so fast.

"You" she spoke with a voice filled with seduction and death. "This girl is to be my vessel. I saw through her memories at what she has been through and I don't appreciate it. Give her a proper life to lead as an exorcist which should be her primary goal. Otherwise I'll be forced to kill her, and you'll be forced to lose a person who can use two innocence's".

I looked at Lvellie with a grin. His expression was dark. He knew I wouldn't mind being killed and he couldn't afford to lose such a valuable subject. He glared daggers at the innocence as he spoke, "That sounds fair enough. She is a bit too young to be an exorcist yet but, I'll put her through training to become one".

The innocent gave him a fake smile and turned to me with a wink. I smiled at her as she extended her hand to me. I could feel the faintness from the loss of blood but, got up anyways.

"Oh. One last thing" the innocence spoke turning her head to the side to look at Lvellie. "I won't hesitate to kill anyone who harms her". The innocence turned away and we followed the two in the black hoods away from Lvellie.

I grinned at her as we walked down the halls. A new life was spread before me and I couldn't wait to see what was in store. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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