{39} Give Me Love

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Zhanna Horan


I walked upstairs and opened Niall and my bedroom door and saw Niall sitting on the bed with his head down.

"Niall" I said.

"Oh, hey" he said, looking at me.

"Everything okay?" I asked walking over to him.

"I, I don't know" he said sadly.

"Hey, hey! Look at me" I said making Niall raise his head.

"This is all my fault, I should've stopped him" he said queitly.

"Not it's not Nialler, it's my fault" I said putting my hands on his legs.

"Don't say that, it wasn't your fault" he softly whispered.

Niall put his head down and shook his head, he sniffed his nose and tears fell down his face.

I put my lifted his head with my hand and put my hand on his cheek and rubbed it.

"Don't cry because I hate seeing my love cry, someone really special to me told me that" I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair.

He sniffed his nose and grabbed my waist, pulling me closer to him.

I put my hand on Niall's cheek and the other one in his hair.

"Come here" he sniffed.

I came closer and kissed him passionatly.

I unzip his hoodie and he chuckled as he took it off.

He put his hand on my waiste and squeezed my back with his nails.

"I have to take a pee" I smiled, running my fingers through his hair and kissing his head.

"Okay" he whispered. I stood up and felt his hand squeeze mine and than reliese.

I closed the door and pulled my hair out, I took my shorts off and my hoodie.

I finished taking a pee and opened the bathroom door to see Niall sitting on the edge of the bed without his singlet on and only his jeans.

He grabbed my shirt and I put my arms around his neck.

We both lied down on the bed kissing continuesly none stop. I wrapped my leg around his waiste and felt his hand run down my thigh which sent shivers down my spine.

Than we rolled over so now Niall was on top and my legs were wrapped around him. I put my hands on his biceps and squeezed it. God he had great muscles.

He ran his fingers through my hair and kissed all down my neck and down to my shoulder.

"Niall" I chuckled pulling his hair.

About fifteen minutes later, we both had the sheets wrapped around our bodies and we had nothing on.

Niall's kisses always made me safe and it felt like heaven. A few minutes later we had our legs tangled together and our fingers lacing together, he looked at me and smiled, pushing my hair behind my ear.

"You're so beautiful" he whispered.

I smiled and closed my eyes and opened them again.

"You're so hot" I chuckled.

"I love you so so much" he said as a tear fell down his cheek.

"I love you so so much too, more than anyone I've ever been with" I smiles and tear fell down my cheek as well.

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