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listening to fraser scream along to 'honey honey' from mamma mia was not what james wanted to be doing with his saturday evening, but he was.

night had enveloped the sky in its dark blanket, while stars as small as pinpricks shone through the shadows. the streets were completely empty by now and london looked completely abandoned. their car was the only one out and so james drove a little faster than he usually would, desperate to just get home.

pulling into the car park was difficult with his roommate trying to grab at the gearstick and wheel every two seconds. he obviously wanted to keep partying, but james was really fucking tired. dragging him inside and to bed was even harder. drunk fraser was that of a disobedient toddler.

when he had passed out in his room, the taller man sat on the couch and stared at the date on his phone: 30th may. two more days and he could talk to sunny again. he needed to apologise, to show how he really felt towards her.


hey james, i wanted to say thank you for tonight.
i got your number from will haha

i just did what any good person would do.
how are you feeling?

not amazing, but im a lot better thanks to you
your hugs are really good btw

im always here if you need me.
i hardly sleep and ive dealt with shit myself too, so its nice to be able to pass my tips to someone who needs them.
ive heard that before haha

you may just be the kindest person ive ever met james

im really not that good of a person
i just enjoy helping people

id say thats pretty much the criteria for being a good person

agree to disagree.

okay 😌


james sighed and fell onto his mattress. everything had suddenly changed. james most definitely had feelings for sunny. she was his soulmate and he knew they had something, be it a spark or just a really great friendship. they would spend the rest of their lives together.

so why did he feel so connected to alex?

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