Story Number 1

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This is something that happened a while ago, back when I had just started to come out.

There were people who were more supportive than others, though, that is to be expected. So I just kept it mainly to myself and a few of my friends that I thought I could trust. But the word thought is the keyword to this story.

I had been at breakfast like every morning and was eating and casually talking to some of my other friends. But I had recently gotten some acrylic nails because I still enjoy wearing them and they help with my anxiety (I stab my hands with them). But one of the people that I thought was my best friend had come up after presumably just getting to school herself. 

She walked to the band room first cause she had to drop off her instrument but then she came back and sat diagonal to me. She looked at my hands and saw the nails and with absolute seriousness says, "Oh but I thought you were a boy, why are you wearing nails?" 

I just looked at her dumbfounded and there were some people from another table that heard her and they looked towards us too. These were people that I didn't know that well so they didn't really know that I am trans. I couldn't say anything, I just left. I even left the food there that I had barely eaten and I had taken my bag. I just went to my first class and my day was just utterly ruined after that.

But the people that had heard what she said had started to spread it around the school. This leads to a bunch of other stuff that will be coming up in other stories. 

Have a nice day, and remember, Humans Are Humans no matter what they are. 

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