Chapter 4

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         He was surprised when I said I was okay with it. "Most people freak out when I break into their houses and piss on them. It makes me feel alone" He said while crying. "They always say " What are you doing in my house" Or "WHY DID YOU PISS ON ME GET OUT" but your different, your special." I was as red as a tomato I couldn't believe he trusted me so much to tell me that and expose his emotions. I told him "It okay I'm not like other ( Your Gender ) I love yo-" He then kissed me roughly and I moaned in the kiss. I could see his skelton dong was hungry. I went on the floor and gave his hungry cock a kiss. I then shoved it in my mouth and sucking it. He moaned loudly in pleasure. We probably woke up the entire neighborhood but we didn't care all we cared about was doing it.

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