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Opening my eyes, I ran a quick diagnostic on my systems. All functioning at optimal levels. As my pupils dilated to accompany the brightness of my surroundings, I focused my attention on the human officer in front of me.

"Register model"

"Model A1312, Prototype version 3.0, Unit #113"

"Uhm-right. Register nickname: Cael"

My LED faded to yellow as I processed my new nickname and entered it into my memory.

"Nickname: Cael registered. Activating all intelligence systems."

The woman in front of me stepped back with a faint smile.

"Alright Cael. Welcome to your first day with NYPD. Your desk is across from mine, and after I get some coffee I'll brief you on the investigation."

"Yes ma'am" I replied, making my way over to the clean, glass desk. I lowered myself into my office chair, labeled "ANDROID" on the back. I opened up some of the files on the tablet that was left on the desk, noting the subjects' names. The detective returned to her desk with coffee and an iced donut in hand, plopping into her chair.

"I've looked over the suspects' files, and I've identified the last known locations of all three. I can upload the addresses into a taxi and if we hurry we might be able to-"

"Shhhhh, just shut up for a second, I haven't finished my coffee" She slurred her words in a drunken manner, and she had massive bags under her eyes, suggesting lack of sleep for multiple nights. She was a short yet strongly-built human, with long dark hair and bright green eyes. Over her dark shirt and jeans she wore a heavy overcoat that swayed as she walked. I noticed, however, the more I scanned her, the faster my therium pump functioned. It had well exceeded it's normal rate, so I decided to run a self diagnostic.

System Diagnostic
All systems in order.
Regulator - optimal
Optics - optimal
Therium Pump - optimal

"Cael, you alright? Hello?" As I finished my scans I saw the Detective's hand waving in front of me.

"My apologies, Detective. I was running a system scan to ensure I'm in pristine condition."

"Right, well once I've woken up a bit I'll order a taxi for the first suspect. See the middle one, there?", she pointed to a middle-aged android with dark brown hair, most likely a household caretaking model.

"I'll be here" I return to the tablet, researching the deviant's model and history. It's owner was found dead outside their house, but the android had already fled to a secondary location. A few hours (and cups of coffee) later, the Detective sprung from her chair to put on her coat.

"Come on, the taxi's outside waiting. You got the address right?" Without waiting for a response she turned and rushed out of the building. It was getting to be late in the afternoon, since the Detective had only just arrived at the office at around 2.

~car ride time skip~

When we arrived, the sun was halfway below the horizon. Stepping out of the taxi the Detective seemed off, like something in her could sense something was wrong about this place. It was an old abandoned house, the wood warping and cracking with every passing day. Right before we reached the door, there was a loud crash from inside the house.

"Stay behind me."


The Detective pulled out her gun and clenched it in her hands. With a step back and a short breath in, she kicked the door open. I followed close behind she cautiously entered the dusty room. The light from the windows illuminated the dirt particles suspended in the air, as well as some spots of recent therium traces on the floor. I bent down and analyzed a sample, it was still very fresh.

"The deviant's still here. This blood hasn't been here for longer than 15 minutes."

The Detective had a determined look in her eyes for a short moment, before walking closer to me and speaking quietly,

"You can track it, right? Follow the trail?"


"Well then get going, I'll be with you"

I walked on, scanning the ground as I went, following the blue blood trail until we came upon a room with a single bed, a wall mirror, and a wardrobe. The therium lead to the wardrobe, and there was a singular handprint on the left door, near where the two doors meet. I waited for the Detective to catch up and pointed towards the wardrobe, signaling the location of the deviant. As she stepped in front of me and reached forward to open the wardrobe, she faced me, making sure I was prepared. When her eyes caught mine, my therium pump hitched, then accelerated slightly just like when I had scanned her earlier. It startled me, but I shoved it off as to focus on the mission. She gave me a small nod, and ripped open the door to the wardrobe. Inside was a shaking, terrified houseworker with a blood-red LED.

"D-don't hurt me. It wasn't my fault! It all went to fast I- please don't hurt me, I don't want to die."

I approached the deviant slowly, my hands clearly in front of me, unarmed.

"You're not going to die. My partner and I are just going to bring you to our station for questioning. You can trust me, see?" I pointed to LED on my temple, which was glowing a steady blue.

"Okay, I trust you." He crawled out of the wardrobe, revealing multiple open wounds on his forearms. The Detective snapped handcuffs onto his therium-soaked wrists and led him to the patrol car I had called for.

RA9 ~ A Detroit: Become Human AU Where stories live. Discover now