Cнα⅊тɛʀ 25 (edited)

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Nora's P.O.V


“Mm?” Came a muffled response from the seat next to me. The voice was subtly faint, the kind that drifted and ebbed away as if it was lulling itself into unconsciousness. I almost smiled in awe at the sight beside me. There my boss sat with his head lolling to one side and his hair falling over his eyes. His arms crossed loosely against his chest and one leg crossed against the other as he slowly started to fall asleep. I could see his eyes straining to stay awake, but his breathing was evening out, and this was all because of the early start we had in the morning.

We were finally heading back to New York, our little business trip finally coming to an end, and so our bags had been packed and now loaded into the private jet. To say I was excited was the biggest understatement of the year, it was the feeling of need and want to be back in the comfort of New York’s skyscrapers, the food there, and even the people, especially my family. Elijah and I had entered the aircraft, boarding, and settling ourselves down in the exact same plush seats just like when we flew to Las Vegas. It was the same private jet as last time, with the same security guards, pilots, and air hostesses.

I had finally built up the courage to ask Elijah what had been playing on my mind, but I was slowly chickening out whenever I caught sight of his sleeping form. It felt rude to interrupt him or to distract him when I could see he really needed it, but I was desperate to quench the inquisitiveness that had encapsuled me.

“Do you happen to know Ben Jones, the man that was present at your party back in New York a few months ago?” I asked him as I shifted in my seat and tried get comfortable. I was dressed in loungewear, deciding that business wear was pointless since we’d be going straight home after the flight to recuperate from the trip and anyways the journey wouldn’t be too long but just like Elijah, I was hoping to get some extra hours of sleep before we landed.

“Why do you want to know about Ben?” He breathily replied, his eyes snapping wide open in suspicion as he turned to watch me, and then added, “Is it because the both of you have similar surnames?”

Part of me was plotting ahead of the conversation to weasel out as much information as possible from Elijah, hoping that he would slip up or reveal something in his facial expressions that would help me piece together this confusing situation, “I’m just curious, that’s all, don’t you think it’s weird that we have the same surname?”

Elijah sighed, looked away for a second and ran his hand through his hair before piercing me with that suspicious gaze again, “He’s a close friend of mine, Nora. We grew up together when he moved into my neighbourhood.”

Bossy Vibes (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now