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Third Person POV
It was a rainy day out in Moonhaven. Elizabeth grinned in delight, nobody flies when its raining. She quickly puts on her favorite outfit (👆👈), and ran to the edge of town. From there she ran to the borders of Moon haven, going to Wrathwood. She stops right before the border and grinned when she spotted her best friend and secret lover. Mandrake grinned too, when he saw her. "Hello Drake, how are you?" She asked him and he grimaced. "My father is dying, he demands that I take his place. I can only do that if I mate with mandalorea." He explained to her. Her eyes became wide. "No, that's not fair." She whispered out. "B-but don't worry I have a plan. I just need you to be patient. Once my father dies, I will name you my queen. And you can live with me." He explained and panicked at the same time. "Drake-" she was interrupted by a booming voice. "Mandrake!" The voice yelled out. "Goodbye drake, I love you" she said to him for the last time. He looked pained but ran off when the voice yelled again. Elizabeth ran home and cried. Her sister, Queen Tara, didn't understand what happened.

Chapter One
Elizabeth's POV
Its been five years, I hadn't seen Drake since that night. Tara was beside herself when I came home crying. I told her that one of my animal friends had died, and she believed me. I wonder how he is, even after all this time. I put on my sneaking out outfit and ran to the border. I see two boggans. One looks sorta like Drake. They saw  me and grabbed me. I didn't try to get away. I wanted to see Drake again. "Dad, look at we caught." His son said. I looked at Drake, he had he's back turned to us. He turns around. "What have you brought-?" He asked before cutting himself off. I smiled at him. "Hi Drake, long time, no see?" I asked nervously. He dropped to his knees in front of me. "Lizzy?" He asked quietly. I nodded with a soft smile. He pulled me into his arms. I hugged him back. "This is your childhood friend dad?" His son asked skeptically. Drake soon realized where he was. He turned a bright pink. He grabbed my hand and his sons, before dragging us away.

Mandrakes pov
'Shes back, she came back to me. But why, after that night, she stopped coming to our spot. I would go each night and wait, but after my father died I had to become king. I couldn't wait for her. I did send two of my men each night to wait for her. Five years later, and now she shows up.' I thought to myself, as I dragged dagda and Elizabeth to my room.

Third POV
"Dad what is going on?" Dagda asked his father. Mandrake held up his hand. "I would like to know myself, son." He stated angrily. "Son, you may go. I need to talk to her alone. Tell the men, I will explain later." He told his son, and Dagda ran off to do as he was told to do. "Why, after five long painful years, have you come back?" Mandrake demands. "You have no right to be angry with me Mandrake. I did what I thought was right. I pulled myself away, so you could focus are your plans. I didn't want Us to get caught. I'm sorry for hurting you, but you left me no choice. You needed to do what was demanded of you, mate and have an heir. You could not do that if I was around. I didn't stop thinking about you. When my sister tried to get me to court someone, I told her that I wasn't interested in anyone." Elizabeth ranted and raved for two minutes. Mandrake was shocked and confused. She didn't hate him. "I thought you hated me, I thought you, after everything we did together, been through together, that you had found another. So I'm sorry for being angry, I cant help it." He shouted at her and her eyes widened. "Drake, you don't know even half of what I had to deal with. I found out that I was pregnant. I had to hide for eight months, from everyone. I had no help delivering the baby. He came out, still and cold. He was a still born. I cried for an hour, before getting up and coming into Wrathwood. I buried him in your land. And then I mourned for months." She told him, tears streamed down her face the whole time. Mandrake hugged her before he picked her up.

He quickly laid them both down in his nest. "I'm sorry my love, I shouldn't have been so harsh. And you wanted to keep the baby?" Elizabeth chuckled. "He was yours as well as mine, so of course I wanted to keep him. Unfortunately fate had other plans." They looked sadly into each others eyes. "I missed you, more then words could describe Drake. I wanted to be your mate, but your father would have had me slaughtered." He smiled softly at his true mate. "Maybe you can show me how much you missed me, my darling." He smirked when she groaned. He pulled her into a heated kiss and she responded eagerly. He ran his hands gently up and down her curvy body. She run her hands up and down his chest, kissing and sucking, every now and again. They pulled apart and stared at each other longley. "Please take me Mandrake. Im yours to have and nobody else's, just as you are mine." He didn't need to be told twice. He moved his right hand down to her womanhood, slipped through the pants and panties. He gently strocked the folds of her womanhood. He slowly slipped a finger in and she moaned at the feeling of being full again. He groaned at the sound she made. "Please, I don't need prepping." She practically begged him. He pulled off his pants and underwear, as she followed suit. He slamed into her and the both groaned at the feelings they were getting. He waited for her to adjust to being full again, he didn't want to hurt his beloved. "Move please, I need you Drake." She begged him and he started out slowly, but she wasn't having any of that. "Go as fast as you can Drake. I don't want it slow." She demanded and he grinned, before complying to her demands. He snapped his hips back, before he thrusted back into her. She moaned at the burning pleasure it gave her. She kissed him and he started a inhuman pace. "Drake" she screamed as she came. "Liz" he shouted out as he came inside her. They both lye there, panting and hugging each other. He chuckled. "Its been why to long." He said and she looked at him confused. "After she got pregnant, I didn't touch her like that again. I also didn't let her touch me either. I told her that I loved another. She was pissed." He explained to her and she laughed. After a while, she sighed. "What about your son, I don't want him thinking I'm stealing you from him or his mother. That wouldn't be fair." Before he could reply, Dagda walked in. "My mother is dead, and I don't mind. He has been unhappy for I long time. Now I know why, so please stay?" Her heart broke for the young child. "Of course I'll stay." She said before Mandrake shooed his son out of the room. "Children, am I right?" He joked before looking at her face. "I'm sorry love, I didn't think." He quickly apologized to his mate and she just hugged him. They fell asleep and had happy dreams for the first time in years.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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