part 1: He can sing?

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As all of class 1-a were sitting in the common area room of the dormitory they sat their bored and not knowing what to do as the day was nearing its end until mina suggested that they play a game so the all agreed to play that is until they noticed a certain cinnamon roll missing from the group

"Hey where's deku" said uraraka as she looked around the room

"I don't know maybe he's in his room, but if so then we probably shouldn't disturb him" said ilda as he chopped the air

"Ahh come on it wouldn't be fun without all of us here" said mina in a sad tone

"I don't know maybe ilda is right and we should just leave him in his room" said todoroki

As the class started to argue whether they should go check if he would want to join them or not bakugo just got up and started to walk to the dorms. As he was walking away he caught the attention of sero

"Umm where is he going" said sero as he pointed at bakugo and the rest of the class stop arguing and looked at him walking away

After a minute or 2 they heard a loud explosion and they started running towards it only to find that bakugo had gone to midoriya's dorm and had blown the door off its hinges

"What are you doing bakugo" said the class in unison as they followed him into midoriya's room

"Im looking for the damn nerd so he can join us" said bakugo in an annoyed and angry way as they all started to look into his room again until toru noticed something on his desk

"Hey guys check this out" said toru as she picked up a letter and showed it to the class

"A letter whose it for?" said uraraka

"Oh its for all of us apparently" said toru looking back at the letter

"Well open it and read it already" said bakugo annoyed

"Wait as the class representative i should be the one to read it out loud" said ilda as he walked up to her

"Ok here you go" as she handed him the letter and he began to open it and read it

      Dear class
1-A I'm going to be sending a few days away from the school and I won't be back until probably next Friday as I'm spending this time with my mom. I have already cleared it with Aziwa and he said that it was alright so I hope that you don't worry about me, ohh and also please fix my door as most likely the reason that your reading this is because Kacchan broke my dorm door so that would be much appreciated
                                From Izuku Midoriya

As ilda finished reading the letter out loud they all looked a bit sad that they wouldn't be able to see their friend until Friday but bakugo let out explosions and as they turned to around to look at him they saw that he was foaming at the mouth with angry until he spoke

"That bastard probably left because he was afraid of me beating him in this weeks exercise" bakugo said as he started to create bigger explosions on his hands

"Hey calm down man he said that in his letter he was just spending some time with his mom" Kirishima said az he tried to approach bakugo and try to calm him down but as soon as he did this bakugo let out an explosion that hit the ceiling of the room which caused something to fall down

"Ow" said Tsuyu as she looked down at what had just hit her in her head. As she looked down and picked up the object she noticed it was a music CD

"Hey guys look at this" she said as she held up the CD and showed it too the rest of her classmates

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