Chapter 15

221 13 2

October 6, 2018 Wednesday 10 months


Ali: so I have to get induced tomorrow.

Mom: how do you feel?

Ali: nervous.

Pam: that's natural.

Jessica: I was nervous for the girls too.

I nod.

Ali: lower.

Emily: here?

I nod. I sigh in relief.

Ali: perfect.

Emily: October baby perfect.

Ali: she needs to come out already.

He kisses my shoulder.

Ali: help me up.

He helps me up I kiss his lips.

Ali: thank you.

Our families are here for the birth I'm 7 days over due.

Ali: help me upstairs please.

Emily: sure.

We walk upstairs to our room.

Emily: how you feeling?

Ali: I'm good. She's moving every now and then.

I waddle to the bathroom. I feel a lot of pressure.

Ali: babe!!

Emily: what?!

I feel water go down my pants.

Ali: my water broke.

Emily: ok change and lets go.

I nod.

2 hours in 1:45 pm

Doctor: you are 3 centimeters and your water broke.

Ali: I want her out it hurts!

I squeeze Emily's hand.

Emily: ok baby she's coming out.

I sway my hips.

Doctor: we will be back to check on you.

I nod.

Emily: I'm so proud of you baby.

Ali: why did I do this?!

I cry.

Emily: cause you love me and you want to be a mom.

I can't be a mom I'm not ready for that.

6 hours in 5:30 pm

Nurse: still 3.

Doctor: ok Alison we need to start to Pitocin.

Ali: no no please.

Doctor: I know it will hurt but we have to.

Emily: you can get the epidural now or you can wait.

I look at Emily.

Emily: you can do whatever.

Life just happens (Emison)Where stories live. Discover now