Chapter 1 : School

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Amelia POV :

*Alarm clock sound*

I woke up at the sound of my alarm clock, tho I'm still tired. It's Monday wich means I have school. I got out from my bed and went to my closet to get ready.

*Few minutes later*

I went to the kitchen to eat my breakfast that my mom made, although it wasn't ready, I took a look at what she was making, it was pancakes ! My twin brother just came in.. Oh I didn't told you? Well I have a little sister, a twin brother and a big brother. I'm the youngest twin I came two hours after my brother. Anyways back to where we were ! So we ate our breakfast than went to school !

*Time skip on the way to school*

I'm running to school with my twin brother, because we're late it's 8:27 AM and my first lesson start at 8:30 AM. I'm gonna be late on my first lesson and it's MATH ! I already don't like the teacher so being late on his first lesson... I don't even want to think about it. My brother has French I wish I was in his class. I'm so gonna be in trouble...

I'm in front of the classroom and it's 8:36 AM I'm so late.. I'm scared to enter the classroom, I don't wanna be the center attention.. Well here goes nothing...

*Open the door of the classroom*

Everyone is looking at me I don't like that.. I apologise to the teacher that I'm late, yet he still have me detention for 1 hour. Well it's better than 2 hours.. I walk through the class with everyone watching me, I sit at the back of the classroom next to the window.. And I listen to the lesson...

*2 hours later*

Finally math lesson is finished, I have Music next and I heard we're gonna have a new teacher but I think he's gonna come tomorrow I'm not sure..
Anyways, I still have Music so let's just go.

*1 hour later*

Finally it's break time, I'm gonna meet my friends at the backyard.
Oh looks like Henry isn't here. Lucy said he's sick, hope he get better soon. Marcus said the new music teacher is gonna come two days later, so it's not tommorow that's a shame tho, cause the music teacher of now is annoying with all he's explanation.

Lucy had 1 hour of French like my brother, by the way he's name is Alex, then she had music and lastly before break she had History.

Henry had 1 and a half hour of History, then had 30 minutes of Gym and then he had 1 hour of Painting.

Alex had 1 hour of French, then he had 30 minutes of Gym too and then he had 1 and a half hour of Technology.

On the other hand Henry was supposed to have 2 hours of technology, 35 minutes of History and 30 minutes of Gym.

Your wondering what I had after two hours of math, well I had 40 minutes of Music then 20 minutes of baking (Yes we have a baking lesson ;-;)

Break should end 10 minutes later so we have time before other classes. Wonder What we're gonna do. Marcus has released the UNO game. Well we have nothing to do so why not.
Alex, Lucy, Marcus and I were ready to play and especially win..!

After a while Alex said Uno,it was my turn and I had a great cards ŌwŌ

Alex is my twin so I can read him easily, I know he has a red carde with a number so it's gonna be easy to win

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Alex is my twin so I can read him easily, I know he has a red carde with a number so it's gonna be easy to win. Henry and I have a way to communicate to not let Alex win, tho Lucy and I don't really have anything between us when we play Uno, but if we were playing on groups of two Lucy and I would teammate. Cause when we play together we're unbeatable UwU

*Few minutes later*

"UNO !"

Who screamed "Uno" ? Find it out on the next chapter !

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