Chapter 1 : Living In hell

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" AMY ,WAKE UP YOUR LATE " , Mum wrapped the door with her knuckles "Get up Now , Amy " I heard her say angrily .

I groaned rolling out of bed . Another day in hell. School . I was tired of everyone's bullshit . Oh well . I opened my closet door Grabbing a plain black oversize shirt and some jeans . Mum couldn't realize I wasn't like other girls . And if she found out I was a girl in a boys body...

I wrapped an ace bandage over my cleavage pulling on my shirt , then boy shorts ,then pants . I quickly put a beanie on . Pulling my shoes on .

" Amy, Your late enough hurry up " " I'm coming " I hollered back .

It was me and Mum . Simon my older brother understood me . Understood that I was a boy. He loved me for who I was. That's why we were so close . I opened my bedroom door walking out the front door . My backpack was in the car already and so was mum. I opened the door sliding into the passenger seat when mum spoke up .

" Amy you look like a guy " "I know Guys are cool " "Amy your not a guy" She said angrily . "That's what you think" I mumbled . "What did you say", " I said , that's what you think" . She said calmly trying to keep from crying " Honey , Its a faze " As she said that we pulled up into my schools driveway . " Imagine having a dick such a big thing" I laughed sliding out of the car . I watched my Mums face turn to me , her jaw agape . How many hints did I have to give? I sighed walking into the office. After getting a pass I walked to first period Honors Math.I walked in people pointed laughing at me . I wouldn't let them get to me . But they would get to me , they always would . If people can accept Gays and Lesbians , why couldn't they accept me?

I toke my seat pulling out Friday nights homework . I felt as if every move I made people were watching staring . Like I was some animal at a zoo or something . Periods 1 , 2 , and 3 went by fast . I was glad only a few more hours here . That's when I saw her . Her name's Kylie and I have seen her a few times before . She was so beautiful . She also sat at our table , what people would call the misfits we just didn't fit in . And her laugh was beautiful her eyes a beautiful hazel color . How she passionately talked about Art . I loved everything about her . But she? She would never notice me..

The bell chimed and I grabbed my backpack making it out of lunch and to P.E fast . I never dressed in front of the other girls , ever . I don't consider myself a girl . Because I am not a girl . I never will be . But why would God do this to me? He had to have something for me to do . Or really I don't know . I mean I haven't ever really been a Religious girl . " Miss Galen please pay attention to the lesson " Mrs.Lancing said . I nodded once and fixated my eyes to the board . Listening to her blabber on about American History . I just wanted the day to be done . I just wanted to go home and talk to Simon . He's the only one that understands . I let the last few hours of the day slip by .

My phone vibrated , I turned it on to see a text from my mom . " I am stuck at work today , I won't be home until very late tonight and walk home today , you'll have to walk home " . I sighed replying back as soon as possible . I started walking passing house after house . Too get too my house , It's like 4 or 5 blocks . And I only have to make about 2 turns . All the sudden something hit the back of my head with great force . " Ow " I groaned spinning around seeing some girls following me . " Really " I thought . " YOU LESBIAN " I heard the blonde one scream . I just turned around and kept walking . Maybe they would just leave me alone . Yeah , that's what they would most likely do . I sped my pace up . But someone from behind pushed me into the street , I fell and my face scraped the gravel road . I scrambled to get up when one of the girls kicked me in the stomach sending sharp pains through my stomach . More punches and kicks followed , every time I tried to get up they beat me back down . " You don't belong here " One of them exclaimed . " Oh My God " I gasped and saw Chelsea . She used too be my best friend , How could she do this? Tears stung my cheeks as I slowly began to lose consciousness . Black edged my vision and my vision blurred . All I felt was pain as I lost all sense of consciousness..

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