Chapter 1 ~ Ashton

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I walked into my office once again and sighed as I took off my jean jacket and put it into my locker. "Ready for another day, Snips?" Parker, my friend, and coworker exclaimed walking up to me.

"As always," I laughed, rolling my eyes. I put on the usual bulletproof vest, my badge, and my gun into my pocket. "Hey, have you seen Sam or Leo today?" I question. I knew that I needed to see my boss Rory, but I also didn't want to not have someone to rant to about him afterward.

"You weren't going to go in without me, right?" Sam exclaimed as she walked up to her locker. She smirked at me as she put her items on.

"Not in a million years," I said with a light chuckle. I sat down on the bench waiting for her to finish gearing up. "Right ready to get our mission?" Sam nodded and headed off towards Rory's office.

"I don't get why you are so scared of him," Sam said as she opened the door to his office. Parker and Leo walked up to us.

"Guys," Rory exclaimed when the four of us walked in. "I'm glad you're all here!" He smiled and stood up from his desk. "Parker and Leo I have assigned for you two to protect a visiting celebrity." He pulled a file from one of his desk drawers and handed it to Leo. "If I remember correctly, his name is Harry Styles."

Sam tensed and let out a strangled noise. I held Sam's arm in an attempt to calm her down. "Relax, girl," I snickered. Her face was red and her eyes were wide. She looked like she was about to explode.

Rory looked towards Sam and shook his head. "And that is why the boys are protecting him." He gave Sam a look that she returned with her own sad one. She sighed and turned her gaze to the floor. "Ash, you and Sam will be helping the bodyguard squad that is assigned to the prime minister." He picked up a piece of paper from his desk and handed it to me. "They have a ball tonight and requested a few extra hands."

Sam raised her hand. "Do we have to wear a dress?" she asked warily. I looked at her and nodded in agreement with the question. I looked back at Rory hoping that his answer would be no.

"Yes, you do," he said. I held back a groan. Rory picked up a couple of pictures from his desk and handed them to Sam who held them up for me to see as well. Both of them had an image of a dress and a matching mask to go with it. "I've had people pick out dresses and masks for both of you that you will be required to wear while at the ball." He pulled his chair closer before sitting himself in it. "The dance starts at 6 pm, but you both have to be there before 4:30 pm." This time I groaned. I looked at the picture set with my name on it. The dress that was assigned to me was a long purple one and the mask was one of the ones that covered only the area around my eyes, but it had a feather that wrapped up and around the right side of it which would cover the entire side of my face when I put it on.

"And how am I supposed to fight in that dress?" I questioned putting the photo down on his desk, I felt Parker peek over my shoulder to look at it. "I mean it's completely impractical!"

Rory sighed and leaned over in his elbows. "You aren't fighting. At least you shouldn't be. You will be going as one of the bodyguards' dates."

I raised my eyebrows in confusion, "I'm sorry what?" Sam asked in disbelief.

I looked towards Sam. "I joined this career to protect people," I said, returning my gaze to my boss. "Not to be some random person's date, Rory." I shook my head.

"I know, girls." Rory leaned back in his seat. "You are the cover for the prime minister," he said. He paused to take a deep breath. I could tell that he was stressed. "Meaning, you have to be with one of their guys so you don't draw unwanted attention." Sam lightly hit my arm and flashed me a smirk. I shook my head and turned back to Rory. "You can pick the dresses up here." He handed me another piece of paper. I read the address from it. "Good luck girls"

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