The Art Club

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Klance fanfic (Highschool AU)

Hey! Welcome to my fanfiction!   

Do any of you know any place/video on how to draw Keith and Lance? 

Also, everything here was first written in my notes app at like, 11 PM.

So don't mind the extra detailed things in the beginning, I wasn't really expecting to share this with 'the world'.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the Klance fanfiction!

Character introduction:
Lance is 16 1/2 (grade 11) (student)Keith is 16 (grade 11) (student)Hunk is 17 (grade 12) (student)Pidge is 15 (grade 10) (student)Shiro is 23 (done school) (teacher)Allura is 21 (done school) (therapist-teacher-thing I forgot name)Coran is 28 (done school) (vice-principal) (that one unofficial uncle character)Sexualities: Lance=Bisexual, Keith=Gay, Hunk=Pansexual, Shiro=Straight, Allura=Straight, Pidge=Asexual/Demisexual, Coran=He's forever alone b)Ships: Klance(Lance x Keith), Shallura(Shiro x Allura), Random extra into: Keith & Shiro are brothers, Lance is top/Keith is bottom, Lance and Keith are in an art club, this is from Voltron: Legendary Defender.

"Hey Pidge, hey Hunk!" Lance calls out walking up to the school grounds. 

"Oh! Hey buddy!" Hunk haves him over to where he and Pidge are.

"Hey Lance." Pidge smirks. "Sooo, I heard there's going to be a new student." 

"Wait- really?!" Lances eyes light up. He loves making new friends; he's popular after-all. "Mmhm" Hunk chimes in.

"Woohoo!" Lance fist-pumps the air.


"That's the bell!"

"Way to point out the obvious, Lance." Pidge says, rolling her eyes.


Lance looks around his classroom. He doesn't see any new students yet. But that's when he sees him. A black haired boy wearing a red sweater and a- is that a mullet?

A mullet? A mullet?! That's way out of this time! Nobody has a mullet!  Lance thinks.

"Alright class," The teacher calls out, startling Lance and some others. Their teacher is known for having a loud voice. "We have a new student, Keith." She jesters over to where the new kid, presumably Keith, was. "I want everyone to treat him well. Anyways..." She starts to write something on the board. 

"Hey, mullet," Lance whispers to Keith. He waits a few seconds then tries again. "Hey, mullet!" No reply. Is he ignoring Lance?! Lance already knew that this was not going to be a good friendship; nobody ever ignores him! 

"Okay, so and then Maria said-" Lance was saying to another kid.

"Huh? Why's you stop?" Asked the girl. Yeah, why did he stop? Lance knew why. A black haired mullet had walked through the door into the art club. Lances art club. Well, technically he didn't run the art club, Mrs. Galraine did, but Lance still liked to say it is his. He is the best artist there after all. But then why is Keith there? Stupid mullet wearing Keith.

"Okay everyone!" Mrs. Galraine says. "Sit down, take your seats! We're going to be doing another project!" Lance goes over to his usual seat in the front, beside most of the girls. All the seats in the classroom are round tables able to fit 4 people, so Lance usual gets to be beside 3 other girls. Yes, they are usually tables for the younger classes, but the school never cared.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2020 ⏰

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