Chapter 1

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"(L/N)-san, please continue from where I left off on page 54." My English teacher called me.

"Yes ma'am!" I scrambled to find the paragraph and stood up.

I began to read, but that was the last thing on my mind.

"Hehe I knoooww you..ssseeee..meee," the odd being dances around me but I don't dare look.

Sweat drips down my temple as I stumble over my words. 'Calm down, just read. It's not real. It's not real.'

"Okay, (L/N). You may be seated."

I purse my lips and nod, sitting down in my seat once again. I can't even remember how long it's been like this. When I was in elementary school, it just started with being able to see little things. They would steal my pencils and homework, and no one else saw it. Now I'm in highschool, and if I'm not careful I don't know what they'll do to m-

"Ooooiii," the weird thing cuts my thoughts short. "If you don't anssswer me, I'll rip your vocal cordsss out"

My lips tremble and my eyes water as I feel an icy cold hand wrap itself around my throat and wow I don't want to die like this!

I clench my eyes shut 'Please stop. Please stop. Pleasestop.PLEASE-'

“Ignoring them won't make them go away.” A deep voice complains.

The hands from around my neck vanish, and I open your eyes tentatively and look around. Nothing is there. The monsters always disappear whenever it gets too life threatening. And that voice. It's not the first time I've heard it.

I don't have any more time to think about it, because the bell rings and classes are over.

Warm familiar hands wrap themselves around my shoulders.

"(Y/N)! You were stuttering so haha, so bad" I hear muffled laughter.

"Chie! Fuck off." I groan. I give her a heated glare, but I can't help but smile and laugh.

"But you were like 'th-th-then Mary sm-smiled at-' gah!" I shove my elbow into her side and she doubles over.

"Hey Kanao, tell her my stuttering wasn't bad."

Kanao turns to me and smiles her usual smile. "Let's go shall we?"

Chie bursts into laughter again and I sigh and grab my things.

"Sorry guys. I can't walk with you guys. I'm on duty for the library after school today. It's basically like a book club at this point."

"Ah, so you're a bookworm now. Just because the manga section in the library grew, you think you can-"

Kanao covers Chie's mouth and smiles again "Well we were planning on heading there to study, so this is perfect."

I snicker. "Wow. I don't think I've ever seen Chie study."



3rd person POV

"Satoru! Have you been keeping an eye on (L/N Y/N)? She is an important asset to the school." Principal Yaga reminds his former student Gojo Satoru.

Even though Principal Yaga wouldn't be able to see under Gojo's blindfold, he rolls his eyes. "Sheesh! You always complain too much! I'll go and get her today. He seems to be at his limit anyway."

"Don't you roll your eyes at me!" Yaga says.

How did he know?

~Time Skip~

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