Jonathan (BoyxBoy erotic fantasy)

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 Jonathan stood up, he was on his knees servicing his “master”…

 The master was a round man nearly 6 feet tall and just as nearly 62 years old. His eyes were grey and selfish. His reciting hair line was adorned with locks of black and grey matted hair almost reminiscent of a rabbit, but only short. He also had a very like styled beard.

This older man thought of himself as a intellectual with a degree in sexual behavior. Jonathan thought of him as a disgusting man who made him feel worthless and dirty. Jonathan chased onto this feelings like a savage dog does a sickly rabbit. This is why Jonathan, from time to time, would visit this gross man. Jonathan liked to feel worthless; he was familiar with that feeling he had only known that when his sexual awakening occurred. His desire to be loved manifested in his desire to be hurt.

 The old master was only too happy to comply with Jonathans needs. Jonathan finished putting on his clothes then right away started to dress the gross man. The gross man smiled. He had perfect teeth and could have modeled them in a dental magazine. This smile was a disguise as to his true intentions of consuming innocence and degrading the weak. Jonathan looked into the grey selfish eyes leaving a piece of him with each moment he stared. “You know, no one would ever accept you. You were right to seek me out, you know this”. The man said. His smile turned sheik and cat like. “Thank you” Jonathan replied as he now felt the need to escape.

 His shame was the side effect of his meetings with the troll man that looked down on him even now; Stealing pieces of Jonathan’s soul each visit. These pieces he felt gave the troll man strength, and that perhaps he may even live forever if he had enough visitors to leech from. Jonathan grabbed his jacket from the bed and ran out the door. The laughter of the old man echoed in Jonathans head as he unlatched the locks of the apartment door.

 Jonathan could still taste him in his mouth, and still feel the hand of the old man on his head; this hand had forced him to take every last each inch of his girthy cock.

 Jonathan would sit in the washroom brushing his teeth until his gums bled and his mouth ached. He wanted the man out of his senses, out of his mind. This was a common ritual with Jonathan; every time he visited the man he would return and repeat this process. After the teeth brushing he would shower until the water ran cold or his mother knocked on the door.

 He often sat in the tub with the shower hailing from above and cried. He wanted love, he wanted a hand to touch him and hold him and tell him he was perfect, but how could he think such things. He wasn’t perfect, he knew that. Perfection was something you were born with, he often thought. As the last traces of the man left his body he knew the ones in his mind wouldn’t so easily wash away.

 After the ritual with the shower he went to his large and well decorated room.

  He had a large memory foam bed in the middle beside two large windows that looked over the city, making it seem ever so welcoming in the night. He had a large desk with two computers on it; one being an imac brand new 27 inches and sleek, second being an Origin Pc for gaming. He had a large poster of Einstein on the wall that at a caption saying “god does not play dice with the universe” and one right beside it, of a young woman dressed like marylin manore sitting with one leg bent so you could see her knee, while the other leg was tucked behind it. She was crying holding her face with her left hand. Her right hand hung by her side and you could see her wrist at been cut. Her hair wasn’t blonde but black and her tears were the colour of blood. She wore a smile instead of a frown thought it was not a happy smile but a sad and lonely. Jonathan thought this poster might have been how the real Marilyn had felt, like he had felt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2013 ⏰

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