Chapter 1 Gebrochen

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That was Shiho Nishizumi's reaction to the email from Renta Tsuji

"Due to the Mounting pressure from western audiences in the United States & Others All Senshado Schools will become Coed within the next Fiscal Year" it read

Shiho leaned back into her chair, pinching the bridge of her nose

"What am I going to tell the Girls?"

She sighed and stood up to find Maho

Maho sat at her desk studying her schoolwork

When she heard a knock at the door

"Come in"

She turned in her chair to see her mother

In her doorway

"Could you call Erika over for me please there's something I want to discuss with both of you"

"Of course mother, may I ask what is it that you want to discuss?"

"I'd Rather you and the Vice commander be here for this topic to be discussed"

Maho nodded and Shiho left her to her work

"I wonder how these girls will react to this"

A Dry and barren desert landscape was the terrain for the senshado match

A column of British Tanks made their way across kicking up sand and exhaust

However, in a formation of rocks sat something,

something every tanker fears

A Turret slowly traverses to the right unseen by the column,

A gunner makes his calculations, He aims at the Lead Matilda

"Target locked commandant"


The Sound of the Tiger I's 88mm gun rang out and its shot found the side of the Lead tank bringing it and the entire tank column to a stop.


The tank commander woke from his dream, finding himself slumped over the cupola

He grudgingly wiped his face, which was dirty with machine grease and climbed out of the tank to the voice that called him

"Yes Walt?"

"I got Good news and bad news for The Tiger"

"Well let's hear the good news first"

"Well I managed to get some new spark plugs for her but...

Those are the last ones"

Leo sighed "Well at least we are not having matches constantly"

he climbed down from the Turret and onto the ground

"Im gonna go to the 711 want anything?"

"Uh yeah just get me a katsu plate"

Leo left Walt to work on the Tigers engine and walked out of the garage

looking back he saw just how far Iron Eagle had fallen, the garage was now falling apart only three Panzer IVs and one tiger were left, everything else had been sold off or cannabalized for parts and ammuniton

"We're going to need a fucking Miracle to save our asses"

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