The Hybrid

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This story has been creating it's self in my mind. I not quite sure how it's going to turn out. If you start reading it and don't like it you can either stop reading it. But don't hateful comments. THANKYOU and enjoy the story.

Victoria's P.O.V

My name is Victoria Arrow . I have blonde hair and greenish-blueish eyes. I have kept a secret since 1776. I'm a hybrid, I'm half vampire, half witch and I'm over 1200 years old. I'm the only one of my kind. I am very powerful and very strong.

I live in London in the year 1999. I live a exciting life. I enjoy life. I met Damon Salvatore in the year 1886

I was at a bar having a drink when a dark haired, gray eyed vampire walked up to me and said," Hey gorgeous". I signed and said," not interested tonight vampire". His eyes went wide, while realizing who I was and said,"I know you, your that hybrid". I smirked and said," and which one would I be"? He whispered," You're Victoria Arrow. You know I would of thought you'd be meaner you know be an original an all". "Who are you"?, I asked a little annoyed. He replied," Damon Salvatore". That sounded familiar,then I remembered he was the one who went on that killing spear in

" I know who you are. Your related to Stefan Salvatore the ripper of Montreal and your also the guy killed all those people in New York in 1955". He laughed and said," so you've heard of me. Even I don't forget a vampire with a reputation like yours". I looked him and replied," I'm not like that anymore, I'm meaner". He laughed, "sure you are". I looked at and said," I am". All he did was laugh at me again. I smirked and thought, I'll show you wrong. All of a sudden Damon's hand was in fire and I was exploding his blood cells in his brain. Then I had all the bones in his hand breaking. Damon was yelling out in pain. I decided that he learned his lesson and stopped. I mean I'm not completely heartless. At least not yet. I looked over at Damon and said," you still think I'm not any meaner"? "I take back what I said. My mistake", he said while glaring at me. I smirked and said," that's more like it".

"So Damon what brings you to London"? " To have fun. Care to join"? I looked sideways at him and said," Very tempting , but I like partying alone. But a partner in crime could be fun. Fuck it, let's have fun". Damon tossed down the rest of his drink and said," Allow the blood to run".

For the next 10 years me and Damon party hard. We visited Paris, Italy, Europe, and even went back to America. We had are most fun in Moscow. We left so many body's that the police thought a mass murderer was on the loose. Well I guess they where half right and half wrong. There where two mass murderer's on the loose. In the end of all the fun I ended up back in London and Damon stayed in America. He said he was after a girl. The girl of my dreams is what he said. I had to say I was going to miss my party buddy.


I saw Damon again when I traveled back to America. He was in Washington D.C following a lead about his girl. I told him he was acting silly chasing after one girl. But he didn't listen to me. Well I think he should of. He wouldn't have gone through all the troubles that he did. I guess you learn from your mistakes.

(I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I rewrote it like 20 times until I settled with this version. If you have any trouble understanding what I'm writing please comment. Thank you and don't forget to



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