Ch. 1

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I do not own anyting except for my idea to combine the two animes! I think I own my laptop....the picture above or too the side is a picture of Naoko. Its practically the same except no eye patch, red hair, and the kimono is a bit shorter.(some of the kimono is splayed out on the grass) Plus, she doesn't smile so....

In the Forest of Death stands a lone figure, a figure much to petite to be a male, but for some reason it's also too small to be a healthy female either. The lone figure was a girl apparently, a nine-year old girl, what she was wearing was exactly normal. She was wearing a red sleeve less kimono that stopped mid-thigh, on her thigh were socks that went up to her lower thigh. Her shoes were simple boots with a hidden blade in her heel. What was on her head was a pair of fox ears, scarlet red with a white tip, it matched her scarlet red hair that was held loose and reached the small of her back. There was a bright red gem outlined in gold held in a spiral brace on the band that held her bangs from covering her right eye. In her hands were two katanas, the handles were red and the blades werea bright silver.

She didn't seem to have any sheaths with her, she just twisted her hands and the swords were gone. After the swords disappeared she twirled in place and her outfit seemed to shatter, and in the clothes place were shorts and a ragged white t-shirt with a red leaf. Her ears went away and the red gem that was in her hair became a ring on her right hand. As her clothes disappeared and became rags, she bent down and picked up a black miniature spire with a round ball in the middle of it. Her ring flashed and became an egg shaped gem with gold outlines going up and down before becoming a small gold stand for the gem. The black spire was held against the gem, making small dots on the gem that weren't there before disappear, as the darkness disappeared she murmured

"There should be one more use on the witch's egg, and then I'll give it to Kyuubey."

The red gem became a silver ring once more on her hand, and the girl walked away from the spot and went to her rundown apartment in silence.


As the girl walked into her rundown apartment, she flicked on the lights to reveal a bookshelf with various scrolls and books, across that was a small bed barley off the ground. To the side would be a small kitchen with a stove, refrigerator, and cupboards. Down the hall would be a bathroom with a sink inside, all in all, it was a pretty small apartment, not exactly safe either. The ceiling had several cracks running through it and the refrigerator barely had any electricity. The place was also really cold as the landlord didn't bother getting the heater and A.C. fixed, but to the girl, it was her home.

Just as the girl walked in, a Male figure jumped into her house, his face was indiscernible, only being a porcelain mask with a painting of a snarling dog on it. His hair was pretty strange; it was silver and was held at a certain angle while also spiked up. This was an ANBU soldier, codenamed, Inu

"Naoko, the hokage wants to speak with you." The soldier said in monotone

Now while this kind of summons would scare any other civilian, Naoko knew it was another try from the hokage to get her to open up to him. She never knew why the hokage kept wanting to talk to her, an orphan, when there were surely more important people for him to talk to. There was also the fact that she was the only orphan to get so many meetings with the hokage when there were other orphans that rarely even see him. Naoko kept all these thoughts to herself as she silently grabbed Inu's hand and she was shunshined away to meet the hokage in the hokage tower.


"Hello Naoko, how have you been lately?" said the hokage.

This man was the Sandaime hokage, the third fire shadow, of Konohagakure, the Village Hidden in the Leaves, a ninja village. There are four hokages, Hashirama Senju, Tobirama Senju, Sarutobi Hiruzen, and finally Minato Namikaze. Due to Minato dying an early death, Sarutobi had to take over again.

"Everything is fine Hokage-sama." Naoko replied softly, her right violet eye hidden by her scarlet bangs as she bowed.

Sarutobi has regretted many things, but some of his biggest regrets was not taking care of her sooner , not being able to make her violet eyes light up with life, like her mother's eyes had, and not being able to stop her from being closed off due to her abuse at this village.

Minato, what would you and Kushina think of this village that you sacrificed your life to live, I should have taken your spot, you would have been able to stop Naoko's eyes from becoming dull and hard.

Sarutobi shook off his thoughts and went forward talking, trying to engage Naoko in one of her few conversations that she had with him.

"What would you think about joining the ninja population? Do you want to become a ninja, you can learn many skills!" Exclaimed Sarutobi, in his hopes that she would be able to become a ninja, just like her parents.

Please become a ninja, I will finally be able to protect you from the cruel hands of this village once you become a shinobi.

"I accept Hokage-sama." Were Naoko's words, but what she really wanted was for her to be able to finally able to use the twin katana style she developed upon becoming Puella magi.

The Hokage was ecstatic, he couldn't wait for her to become a full kunoichi as by then she was under the Hokage's jurisdiction and away from the civilian council, but he wasn't the only one happy


In the shadows of the room stood, Inu, he was happy, once Naoko graduated, she would become his genin student, and he would finally be able to take care of her regardless of what the civilian council said. He could finally get closer to his last link to his late sensei.


It is now early morning, as indicated by the rising sun outside the windows of Naoko's apartment. In the small bed laid said girl, she slowly rose rubbing the sleep from her eyes. As she slowly went through brushing her teeth brushing her hair, she realized that she almost forgot about her new clothes that the hokage had gotten her. It was similar to her outfit when she became a puella magi, but with changes. It was a tan color with a brown obi, and she had no clip and regular shinobi snadals.

While she was dressing, Naoko wondered why the hokage went through the effort of giving her new clothes and a small spiral clip, to keep her bangs out of her eyes.

She pushed the thought away as she went through her katas that she somehow knew when she became a Puella magi. The katas could have two katanas added in, but as she wasn't a kunoichi yet, she couldn't bring any weapons besides shuriken, kunai, and senbon. It's not like she had any weapons.

At that last thought , her eys lit up a tiny bit, as she left her apartment to go to school. As she got closer to the busier area, as in away from the red- light district, her eyes became colder and dulled, the small light left. Slowly her face becomes stoic in order to not show any weakness to her abusers. Sadly, it was not an expression that a nine-year old should have, but this girl wasn't any nine-year old. She was Naoko Uzumaki, Puella magi and jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi no Kitsune


So, what do you guys, or gals, think of my first story? Please comment to tell me what you think, and don't forget to vote! Please! I live off comments!

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