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------------------------------------------------------- 2 Years Later -----------------------------------------------------
I already recoved and my powers are incontrol.When i packed for going to Auradon prep,Jean asked me if can he,I tell him that i can but have to changed him into a wolf and he,I continue to pack my bags.
------------------------------------------------------ 10 hours later -----------------------------------------------------
I'm already,I take it to the lobby with Jean and used my powers to make Jean a Wolf cub.When he asked why,i said it was,i teleported to Auradon Prep with Jean.
*At Auradon Prep*
When,I'm there i heard alot of languages,so I looked at the calender it was Nation day.We have to speak our Native languages.I'm Greek,but IDK who is the one that can speak or from Greece.I asked someone.
" Ummm.......Hello,I'm Kineria, you know where is the Principal Office is? " i asked
" Hallo, ich bin Jane Godmother. Das Hauptbüro befindet sich neben der Bibliothek. Soll ich Ihnen den Weg zeigen? "(Translate: Hi,I'm Jane Godmother.The Principle Office is beside the Library.Do you want me to show you the way?) The one named Jane said
" You speak German? " I asked
" Ja, " She answered
" Okay,sure,You can show me the way,Jane, " I said as she walks and I follow her.
*At the Front of the Principals Office*
"Los geht's, Kineria. Bis später, " She said(Translate: Here you go,Kineria.See you later,)
" Yeah,see you later, " I said as I knocked on the door
" Entrez," Someone said and I go in (Translate: Come In)
" Hi,I'm Kineria,I'm the new student, " I said
" Oh,Kineria,Today is National day,so here's the schedule,and you have to speak your native language for a day,so,What language do you speak in your country? " She asked
" Oh,where I come from,we can speak French,German,Greece,and Spanish, "I said as the Principal gasped
" Sorry,did I got you offended? " I said as i lowered my head
" It's okay,Kineria,well,You will be assigned with my son Ben Beast,he knows alittle Greek and alot of French, " She said
"Ευχαριστώ Δεσποινίς, " I said as I left (Translation: Thank you miss)
*at the Front of the castle*
"Donc, vous devez être Kineria, je suis Ben Beast, je vous emmènerai faire un tour dans la préparation d'Auradon." The guy named Ben said (Translation: So,You must be Kineria,I'm Ben Beast,I will take you on a tour into the Auradon Prep.)
"Merci, monsieur Beast, " I said and He gasped
" You know French? " He asked
" I know Greece,German,French,and Spanish,Mr.Beast, " I said
" Please,just Ben,alright? " He said
" Alright,Ben, " I said
"Ξέχασα να συστήσω τον εαυτό μου, είμαι η Kineria Armada Surya, είμαι η πριγκίπισσα από το Βασίλειο της Σελήνης. Είμαι η κόρη του Kronos, ο Chronus και η Seline, " I said annd he looked confused
" It means: I forgot to introduce myself,I'm Kineria Armada Surya,I'm the Princess from the Moon Kingdom.I'm the Daughter of Kronos,Chronus,and Seline, " I said and he understood
" It's in Greek, " I said and he shook his head and he shows the way
-------------------------------------------- In the middle of the Tour ------------------------------------------------
"Μπεν, Υπάρχει πρόβλημα με την Έβι, δεν καταλαβαίνω τι μιλάει." Someone said and it's a girl
" Do you want me to translate it? " I asked and he shooked his head
" She said: Ben,There is a problem with Evie I don't understand what is she talking about. " I said
" Merci,Mademoiselle, " He said and the girl doesn't understand him
"Σημαίνει ευχαριστώ, κυρία. Γεια, είμαι η Kineria. Είμαι νέος εδώ, " i said as i lift up my hands
(Translation: It means thank you,Miss.Hi,I'm Kineria.I'm new here)
" Okay,I will use english so you guys can understand me, " I said and they nod
" So where is the one called Evie? " I asked and i was dragged to a fashion designer place
" Evie! " the girl shouted
" Ich komme, Herrgott, " the girl named Evie shouted
" it means: I'm Coming,Jeez, " I said
"Mal, warum bist du gegangen? " She said
" She said: Mal,Why did you leave? " I said
"Δεν ξέρω τι λες, έτσι ρώτησα τον Μπεν, αλλά αποδεικνύεται ότι το νέο κορίτσι μπορεί να μεταφράσει γλώσσες ανθρώπων, " The one named 'Mal' said
" She means: I don't know what are you saying,so I asked Ben out,but turns out the new girl can translate people languages, " I said
" Hallo, ich bin Kineria, Kineria Armada Surya, " I said
" Schön dich kennenzulernen, Kineria, " She said
" I said: Hello,I'm Kineria,Kineria Armada Surya,and she said,Nice to meet you, " I translated
" ευχαριστώ που μεταφράσατε το Kineria, " Mal said
" Your welcome,Mal, " I said and I heard a scream
" Help me,I been chased by Jay,because i don't know what he's saying, " Some one screamed with a british accent
" Huí dào zhèlǐ, kǎ luòsī! " The boy with long hair shouted and bumped into me ( Translation: Come Back here,Carlos)
" Ummmm...... Hi? "I said
"Tā wèishéme bù shǐyòng zìjǐ guójiā de xǐyī fáng? " He said( Translation: Why did this girl talk in her native Language)
" Wǒ méiyǒu guójiā, wǒ láizì dàhǎi, nǐ ne? " i said (Translation: I don't have a nation,I'm from the sea,and you are?)
" Wǒ shì jié yī, nǐ ne?," The one named Jay asked( Translation: I'm Jay,and you are?)
" Wǒ shì Kineria, Wǒ shì jǐngdí," I said and he gasped (Translation:I'm Kineria,I'm a Siren)
" Nǐ kāiwánxiào ba? " He said and i shooked my head no and i show him my siren eyes( Translation: Are you kidding me?)
" What is he talking about? And who are you? " the british boy said
" I'm Kineria,and we are talking nothing,and you are? " I said
" Carlos,Carlos De vil, " He said
" The one named Mal,Is Malbertha Maleficent,Evie is Evie Queen,and the one chasing me is Jay Jafar, " He said
" I already know, " I said and he gasped
" Y-you know? " He asked
" Yeah,I can speak and translate all languages except Shona, " I said
" Oh,alright then, " He said
" Your from London, " I asked
" Yeah,I am, " He said
" Hi,I'm Kineria,Daughter of Chronus,Kronos,and Seline the queen of the moon, "I said
" You're an AK and a VK, " Carlos said
" What? " I asked
" AK is Auradon Kid it's a way to say a good kid and VK is Villian Kids,it's what we are,and only you and Ben are the one's that talk to us, " Carlos said as he looked at the AK kid's that are whispering about them.

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