Cнα⅊тɛʀ 27 (edited)

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Nora's P.O.V

There I was in the middle of the day, at work, avoided by my colleagues as they had all distanced themselves from me when they saw the state I was. Not even Naomi would come near me and anyone that did need me had simply knocked on my office door and either left a note or dropped the things needed to be completed right in front of my room. It was a childish game where everyone thought that they could easily catch whatever I had but it was a simple case of the cold and nothing more. That being said my presence wasn't exactly attractive to say the least, from the very cracks of daylight, I had awoken just as Elijah had predicted, with a runny and blocked red nose, bird-like nest hair, a croaky voice that sounded awfully similar to an old witch, and no energy to even make myself look appealing. 'Elijah basically jinxed me!', I realised scornfully, hating the man all over again.

With that in mind I thought that today I would have a slow and uneventful day. Except that I didn't register that Elijah may still act like the Devil during work hours and he could demand for me to continue working heavily. A few knocks at my door had me groaning in pain as I stood up from my desk and stalked to the door, my bones aching like a seventy-year-old. There standing tall and proud was my boss, a man dressed immaculately as always in a fine navy-blue suit with a white shirt and no darn die.

"Ah Nora, I see yesterday caught up to you. You should have taken the day off but since you're here I might as well put you to good use", Elijah heartedly chuckled making me roll my eyes and inwardly curse him to the depths of Hell. He followed behind me as we made our way back to my desk, plopping ourselves down in the chairs.

"I'm glad you mentioned taking the day off Elijah, how about you let me go home seeing as I feel like I'm on my deathbed?'' I threw back at him trying to maintain professionally polite just to get into his good graces.

"If that was true, you wouldn't have shown up to work today besides I'll offer you a deal..." He trailed off before reaching into his inside suit jacket and pulling out a small USB stick along with two A4 pieces of paper with notes on them, before handing them gently over to me, "If you can copy the exact files on this USB stick and place them into some of our work files on our computer system then you can go home afterwards."

The offer was tempting and simply clicking and dragging files into other system files seemed easy enough, it wouldn't take me too long to do these things anyways, but I had to know something, "Why me? Why not give it to someone else?"

At that Elijah looked long and hard in my direction, his thoughts barred from me as his expression became blank. He was turning into his serious and business style persona which freaked me out.

Bossy Vibes (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now