1 - A Good Day

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Jihoon could just tell that today was going to be a good day.

Unlike most days, he'd gotten out of bed that morning with a smile on his face and positive energy radiating throughout his body from head to toe. It wasn't often that Jihoon got this excited about something. Well, at least something that wasn't related to food because he very much enjoyed eating, thank you.

Jihoon had gotten ready for work in the usual fashion, only maybe he took a little bit longer to make sure he looked especially put together today, given that it was an important occasion and all. His black hair was neatly combed back, short bangs pushed off of his forehead with a little bit of hair gel. He'd picked out his favorite gray suit, pairing it with a white shirt and navy blue bow tie. Sure, the suit pants were just a bit too long for his shorter legs, but it was still the best one he had and Jihoon had no choice but to make do with it.

Once he was dressed and had deemed the attire presentable enough, Jihoon takes one last look in the mirror, straightens his glasses, and grabs his bag before leaving the apartment.

He made the short walk to the bus stop and sat down on the bench, put in his earbuds, and hit shuffle on his favorite playlist. Jihoon didn't always listen to music before work, but today he felt like he could use the distraction. Maybe what he felt wasn't exactly excitement, but nervousness. Nervous excitement, maybe? Jihoon was definitely excited, but the fear that things may not turn out in his favor was definitely there in the back of his mind and it had him just the slightest bit on edge.

Jihoon tries his best to push those thoughts out of his mind because if he dwelled on them too much he was bound to go into panic mode. He couldn't let that happen, not today anyway. The amount of hard work he'd put into making sure that things turned out in his favor was something he was way too proud of, no way was he going to let anything negative his subconscious tried to tell him take root.

He kept reminding himself of this from the time he stepped onto the bus until the time he was pressing the button to let him off. Luckily, he was able to keep up with his unusually cheery attitude and even hummed along to the music playing through the earbuds while he made the short walk from the bus stop he was let off at to his workplace. Jihoon quickly stops the music and takes out his earbuds to put them back in his bag when he reaches the front of the building, taking a deep breath before walking up the steps and through the door.

Mrs. Choi, the front desk receptionist, gives her usual upbeat greeting when Jihoon walks past. On a normal day, Jihoon would have only politely bowed his head to acknowledge her, maybe throwing in the occasional quiet 'hello' when he was feeling generous. So needless to say, it catches Mrs. Choi off guard when Jihoon greets her back with the same enthusiasm that she had this time.

That kind of reaction seemed to be an ongoing trend with his coworkers today.

Jihoon had greeted everyone on the elevator with a big smile, something very out of character for him, and that could be seen by the way all of their eyes widened in surprise. The same thing happens again when he says hello to the people who sat at the desks surrounding his own. Some of them share a look with each other, secretly wondering if the man was ill or something else of the sort.

Jihoon notices the exchange, but pays it no mind. Sure, he may have felt a little bit guilty that he typically seemed so cold in the way he acted that even a basic greeting made them all react like that. It wasn't ever Jihoon's intention, really. He just preferred to come to work and get the things that needed to be done completed and perfected in a timely manner, and that didn't leave much room to chat and make friends. Jihoon didn't think work and friendship mixed well together anyway, so despite how badly his co-workers might think of him, Jihoon made it a point to keep work life 100% about work.

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