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The night and the next morning seemed endless with the memory of that kiss haunting me. He kissed me like he needed it more than he wanted it and I could feel how desperate he was. I could still feel his lips on mine, the taste of his mouth and the feel of his touch on me.

There was no way I could concentrate on my studying. Thank God I had always been organised and revised each chapter as soon as the next began otherwise I would be screwed. I could see his eyes everywhere staring at me. What was wrong with me? Why was I feeling this way? It was just a kiss. He was just a guy I had seen a couple of times.

Amongst my thoughts, the notes, highlighters and pens, my phone beeped signalling a message.

Leo: When are you leaving?

Valerie: I’m leaving tonight. Why?

Leo: Someone wants to know xx

Valerie: That someone should call me xx anyway I’m leaving because I need to get ready for exams.

Leo: Good luck with that. Talk soon

Valerie: Thanx!

My heartbeat went crazy … so he wanted to know when I was leaving. Why didn’t he text me himself? I thought my response to that kiss should have given him the confidence for that. Although I barely knew him I would certainly miss him and if I had to work at the weekend I wouldn’t see him at all…my heart sank at the thought.

I slowly prepared my things, clothes, notes and snacks and at around seven I was loading my car when my phone rang. I looked at the screen and I almost froze. It was Harry.

‘Hey’ I said awkwardly.



‘Are you leaving now or can I see you before you go?’ he asked straight to the point, there were no ‘hellos’, no ‘how are you?’ nothing.

‘I’m leaving now. I have just loaded my car actually. I’m getting in as we speak.’ I answer disappointed.

‘Oh. OK then. When is your first exam?’ he asked after pausing for a second.

‘It’s tomorrow at noon; if you had called me earlier I could have arranged something but now it’s already late’ I explained.

‘No, it’s OK. I just wanted to see you, that’s all. When are you coming back?’ he asked impatiently.

‘I don’t know. I have exams all week and I’ll be working at the weekend. Text me?’ I pleaded.

‘Good luck with your exams. Drive safe’ he said in a sad tone.

‘Thanx. I will. Bye’ I closed my eyes broken by the sudden interruption of his voice.

‘Bye’ he said and the line was dead.

I missed him already.

The drive to campus was long and monotonous and the songs on the radio were not enough to distract me. When I finally got to my apartment I unloaded my stuff and my roommate who was in exam mode asked that we watched a movie to relax and unwind and we did just that. Only I didn’t pay any attention to the movie. I was trapped in my own thoughts.

The next morning flew by with me going through notes and checking the exam timetables and exam rooms. I was feeling a bit stressed but I knew that I once I got the paper in my hand I would be fine. The professor handed the finals and as soon as I saw the topics I was immediately relaxed. I didn’t even notice how time passed by so quickly. Three hours had gone and I was sure that I nailed it!

My roommate and I were going towards the campus cafeteria discussing the essay questions when my phone rang.

‘Hey there. So how did the exam go? Did you flank already?’

‘ Cut the crap Leo. Since when do you care?’ I hissed at him.

‘What’s that supposed to mean? I have always cared about you and your studies and by the way blue doesn’t suit you at all’ he answered laughing.

What the fuck? He was here? I scanned the room and I saw him. I saw them. Leo and Harry were sitting in the cafeteria all cool and relaxed with a huge grin on their faces watching me and Rose entering. My mouth dropped. What were they doing here? They were both getting a lot of stares from the deprived university females but Harry won the prize. Most of the girls were looking straight at him with his torn jeans, long hair, tattoos and Raybans. He looked great but he was looking at me.

‘What are you doing here?’ I asked astonished grabbing a seat next to Leo and Rose sitting next to Harry eyeing him.

‘Nice to see you too, Val.’ He replied bluntly.

‘We came to see you.’ Harry said in his raspy voice and I melted.

‘You came all this way to see me?’ I continued in a surprised tone turning my gaze at him.

‘OK. Should we leave now?’ Leo asked jokingly.

‘No, no. I’m just surprised. That’s all. You are the last people I expected to see here’ I answered truthfully.

‘Maybe if you had told us that there are so many chicks here we would have visited you more often’ Leo said being himself.

‘Yeah, why didn’t you tell them?’ Rose said not taking her eyes off Harry who didn’t seem to pay any attention to her.

‘Yeah. Why didn’t you say that they were hungry too?’ Leo added looking shamelessly around the room checking the girls out.

‘Oh. Shut up!’I said laughing at him and pushing his leg from the chair he had previously put in on and he chuckled.

The four of us laughed and I was still both thrilled and astounded that they were actually there. Harry kept staring at me and smiling but he did not talk much. He seemed genuinely happy to see me and I could not believe that he was unaffected of all those girls who were there craving his attention and envying me. At some point he got up and came to sit right next to me, unable to stay away any longer.

‘So… are you going to show us around?’ he almost whispered and I looked up to meet his eyes. He made me feel uncomfortable and warm at the same time.

‘Of course I will.’ I replied giving him a huge smile which he repaid showing off his dimples only to make me feel stronger feeling towards him unable to comprehend the state I was in.

The state that I'm in. (BEING EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now