Chapter 1 Meeting A Blue Haired Beauty

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Before we start, I will not be putting in the accents until after the completion of this story, so I have time to write more chapters and not spend time on the accents sorry if it annoys anyone. Also I own the art above but it is very old so don't judge.

(Y/N) P.O.V

I was walking through the streets towards my favourite café when I noticed a tall, slim man with azure blue hair and black eyes. I couldn't help but stare at him, he looked amazing strangely he looked familiar but couldn't figure out from where. The man-made eye contact with me, his eyes looked like a deep dark pit endless. He walked towards me and spoke "(Y/N) is that you." I was confused who was he? "It's Stuart Pot." He said and it clicked Stu-pot "STUART!" I yelled jumping and hugging him "It's been so long." I said while still hugging him. "What's this Faceache, how can you get a hottie and I can't?" a man said behind me. I turned to see a green man with a weird smirk on his face. Stuart looked scared then he spoke "T...this is (Y/N) s..she is a friend from back when I was in school." I smiled at this green man in front of me, but he got stranger as he walked around me and started talking "So you know 2D well maybe we can know each other too." But I looked at Stu and he started shaking his head as a sign to not listen to the man talking to me. "Sorry I only want to catch up with Stuart, so Stu want to go get peppermint tea with me I know how much you love it." I said and he smiled nodding his head walking with me to a café I knew that sold his favourite tea. As we walked in ordering and sitting down, we started reminiscing about our past in school.


"Stuart come on were gonna be late." I said as I was running with Stu trying to keep up but when I stopped out the front of class, he crashed into me "S-sorry I-I didn't m-mean to." he said helping me up "It's okay Stu I know it was an accident so don't worry." He started blushing which I always thought was cute with his blue eyes piercing through the deep red. "We should get into class." Stu said while walking in.

*Flashback End*

As I was talking to Stu I asked, "What happened to your beautiful blue eyes why are they all black." He got fidgety looking away and avoiding the question but eventually told me, and I was horrified at what I heard. "You shouldn't be around this guy Mudz was it. If I ever meet him, he will be beat to a pulp." I said with anger in my voice. "You have already met him actually it was that green man earlier, but what is worse is we live in the same house so yeah can't escape him." He said with fear in his voice talking about this man. "Stuart lets go to your place I'm going to beat this guy, come on." He just nodded and led the way.

Time Skip

When we walked in the house all I saw was filth everywhere, but I kinda expected it as Stu was messy in high school. "So Faceache you brought a bird home?" Mudz spoke and I got angry and walked towards him "Oh does she prefer me over you." He said as I got right in front of him. I lifted my hand and socked him right in the nose then punched him twice in the gut "The punch to the nose was for me the other two for Stuart Dickhead." I walked towards Stu the he pointed at Mudz I turned looking at him is nose was bleeding a lot and he looked angry " Wow great punch but you have NO RIGHT!" he said as I got more angry "Well you hit Stu with your car and made him fly out of a windshield so I have the right for that, but then you call me a bird and sexually harass me so I HAD THE RIGHT SO FUCK RIGHT OFF." I yelled at him when I heard a new voice "What is going on?" I look towards the voice and saw a big man with a small Japanese girl. They looked confused "Did 2D break Murdoc's nose again, dammit why?" the big man said but then I spoke before Stu could "I did it he deserved it for somethings he did." "Russel, Noodle this is (Y/N) we went to high school together." Stu said while standing beside me "It's another girl Russ can she come play with me?" the little girl said in broken English "Not right now maybe later just go back to your room for now." Russel said while she walked up the stairs. Russel spoke again "Right everyone sits at the table I want an explanation." We all sat and explained.

Happy Birthday Stuart Pot (2-D)!!

Happy Birthday Stuart Pot (2-D)!!

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Birthday Art for him. Is also the cover but slightly different also been put on my Instagram artgeek8603.

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