State of Euphoria

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The serenity of tranquility feels like bliss, the feeling of no constant worry, no deadlines, no due dates. Lost in a little world that no one can intercept, manipulate to annoy me. Found in a little world is my happy place, its something I like to call dreams. Dreams full of love, inspiration, desire, and freedom. My dream always leads me to a place of content.

This dream I find myself near the ocean, as always. It's a deserted beach; the soft grains of off-white sand cushioning me as I sit with my legs outstretched in front of me. My wandering eyes flitter around my landscape. They move from the palm trees scattered lazily along the beach to the cerulean blue sea that seemed to sway like a gown when aristocrats waltz around a ballroom. The everlasting blue commands my attention as its mesmerizing colors seem to lighten when coming closer to me, drawing me in. I find myself in a trance, not glancing away from the scene of the unearthly like colors slowly grasping at my toes, trying to lure me into its arms. I start to relax and slowly lay down with my arms underneath my back, supporting me.

My eyes travel upwards to the soft pastel blue covered by a blanket of silk woven by threads of silver. The vibrant sun is less opaque today as it seems to lull me to sleep. The vision of perfection seems too much for my eyes to take in, so on reflex they shut. They shut and the lolling of the waves seep into me, rocking me like a baby is when in a cradle. I breathe in deeply as the smell of salt hits my nose, giving me a sense of comfort.

I can't recall a motherly touch as soft as the sand's arms wrapped around me like a safety blanket. All insecurities and stress are soon forgotten when listening to the constant splash of the waves on the soft but awaiting sand.

The slight whoosh of waves brings me into a state of euphoria. I hope this feeling lasts forever.

And as that final thought dances through my mind a shaking tears me out of my gift and into the harsh reality of the world.

"Hey... Rose! Wake up! Lectures' over!" I hear my best friend half whisper half yell right in my ear. His hands wrapped around my bicep shakes my body harder and harder until I feel my head moving forward and back. Why can't I get a break?

"I'm up! I'm up!" I repeat, flying up into a standing position and throwing my arms up in a sign of surrender. Thank god I didn't get whiplash. I look over to see the barer of bad news in the form of my best friend, Jeremiah Kai Reid.

I roll my eyes when I notice his full-blown grin that stretches from ear to ear. His smile is so large that his dimple is almost drilling a hole in his right cheek as his lips stretch his cheeks so far apart. His glittering honey brown eyes shine bright with mischief laced through the angel-like spectacles. The devilish look in his eyes barely noticeable through the thick layer of light brown hair with streaks of blonde barely peaking through.

Wait... why is he looking so mischievous?

I turn around slowly and see that the lecture is not in fact over, but still very much in session.

I look around to see the faces of my colleagues turn from the normal bored look into one of complete horror and sympathy. It was then when I was peering through the looks of pity did I finally understand the reason as to why they did not envy me.

I was in Mr. Dufour's lecture.

Just like in scenes of a horror movie, I slowly turn in a one hundred and eighty degree angle to find Mr. Dufour's blazing mint green eyes burn into mine with such ferocity that I am scared that I will catch up in flames. My facial features morphed from one of confusion to unfiltered fright as his thin lips quiver from the burning rage he has for me. I see his barely there upper lip turn from its normal stiff set into one of angry points that resemble the horns of the devil. But before I could here his thick French accent scream my name, the heavens speak and the loud ringing of a bell echoes through the dead silent lecture hall.

I sigh in relief as I see all my timid classmates quickly pack their things, sling their backpacks around their arm, and shuffle out of the classroom like it was a fire drill. As I come to sit back down in my seat to clear my desk and leave the room my professor decides to finally speak.

"Ms. Underwood, I would like to see you after class, this instant." His cold cutting voice slices through the air with such ferocity, giving me a preview on what is about to come.

My neck snaps to my right to see Jeremiah covering his chuckle with a cough, a hand over his mouth to suppress more of his giggles. He feels my burning gaze and meets my eyes, those light brown eyes holding amusement and entertainment in them. My own cobalt blue eyes narrow even more, piercing his with such anger that he turns his head, resuming back to organizing his things.

I quickly pack my bag and stand up, carefully placing my bag strap on one shoulder. As I walk past Jeremiah I flick the back of his head with so much aggression he dramatically yips and falls to his knees, cupping the back of his head in "agony". I turn around and mouth to him 'there's more where that came from' and slowly turn my head back around, smirking when I feel his anxiety skyrocket.

However, the smile quickly fades away as I come face to face with Mr. Dufour, his pencil thin mustache twitching in animosity. My already large doe-like eyes widen even further when I see his head turn and watch Jeremiah, the last student left in the hall, leave the room.

I hear Mr. Dufour shout to the devil in disguise, "Have a lovely evening, Mr. Reid!" before his head snaps back to me, his green eyes glinting in anticipation. Even when he is shorter than me by more than three inches, the shine from his balding head fills me with dread as his once thin, straight lips turn into a conniving grin...

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