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Hi there! This is one of my very first one shots. I will try to make all of these at least 1000 words long. As you know, or if you didn't know, this account is run by 2 people, myself and my friend. However, we will write separate stories. I'm sorry if these one shots are terrible, but bear with me to hope they get better. Also, when I use (') it means that's what the characters are saying in their head and (") is out loud. Welp I should stop annoying you and enjoy :)

~Oikawa's POV~

My alarm rings at 5 am like it does every Saturday morning, but for some reason it's hard for me to get out of bed. Not only because it was early, but I feel like absolute shit this morning. My entire body aches, I have a god awful headache, and Im getting the chills. I really don't want to get out of bed, but I have to go to morning practice. If I don't, Iwa-Chan will surely kill me.

'Maybe I'm just having a bad morning' I think to myself.

Not really caring about my physical condition, I head downstairs to eat some breakfast, grab my things, and head out for the day.

~At the Gym~

Surprisingly, I wasn't the first to arrive. Iwaizumi was there practicing his serves. God he looks so hot. The way his thighs look when he jumps, his muscular arms, and sometimes he lifts his shirt to wipe of the sweat on his face so I can see his abs. He's just so perfect.

"Oi shittykawa, is something wrong? You're staring at me" Iwaizumi asked.

"Oh um sorry iwa I guess I just spaced out" I give him a smile and walk towards the locker room.

As soon as I'm in the locker room, my checks go insanely red. He caught me staring. I feel a little woozy and hot for some reason too.

'HOW EMBARRASSING!' I say I'm my head.

I've always liked iwa-chan. Ever since we were kids, I knew I was attracted to him. I mean, how could you not be? With that amazing body, not to mention his personality. Most people find him cold and rude, but he's just a shy and loving person.

'I've always loved Iwaizumi'

~Time skip to the middle of practice~

We are in the middle of doing a 3v3. Me, Iwaizumi, and Watari against Kunimi, Yahaba, and Matsukawa. I've been finding it really hard to concentrate for the past hour. I can't stop shaking and feel really hot, but I figure it's nothing.

Matsukawa is serving but of course Watori receives it and puts it in a great spot for me to set it.

"Nice receive!" I yell at Watori

"Give it to me!" Iwa yells, while starting to get a good size running start up to the set.

'As always, Matsu is thinking Iwa will go for a cut shot.' I say to myself as I give Iwa his favorite toss. Matsu goes for the block but only realizes he read wrong when Iwa makes a straight. "YEAH!" Iwa yells

"Nice Spike Iwa-Chan" I say with each one of my words with less energy then the next as I fall to the ground.

~Iwaizumi's POV~


I run to his side and take his head in my hand as I kneel next to him. My other hand reaches to touch his forehead. God he's burning up.

"Iwa-chaaan, I don't feel so good."

"I can see that Oikawa . You scared the hell out of me! Hey guys, can you can finish up here and then lock up? I'm going to take him home and take care of him for the day." I ask the team. They agree and ask many times if oikawa is going to be okay. I reassured them he probably just had a fever and overworked himself.

I wrap his arm around my shoulder and my arm around his waist to pick him up and walk to the locker rooms to get out stuff and leave.
When we get up he notices my arm around his waist and immediately blushes. I have to admit, he looks kind of cute when he blushes. I bit back a smile as I watch the tint of pink on his cheeks get redder every second. I love that even showing the slightest bit of affection can make him so red. To be honest, I love everything about him, no matter how much it seems I don't. I make it seem that way so he can't catch on to my feelings for him, but I still think to some it's fairly obvious.

~Time skip to Oikawa's House~

I took Oikawa up to his room and set him down in his bed. I took his temperature and I was relieved that it seemed to go down a bit. I was going to walk out and get him some medicine before I felt something grab my rist. I turn around and Oikawa looks up at me still holding my rist

"Please don't leave me Iwa-Chan. Don't go

"Come on Trashykawa I have to get you some medicine"


I couldn't resist those pleading brown eyes that got me every time.

"Alright fine I won't leave"

He takes my hand and places it on his cheek.
I couldn't hide my blush this time and so I just look away.

"Oi, what're you doing?"

"I want attention, what else Iwa?" He said with a smile

My blush only got redder and I bit my lip. I rubbed my thumb on his cheek and he closed his eyes and leaned into my hand.

'I so want to kiss him right now'

"What are you thinking Iwa-Chan?"

"Nothing in particular"

"Oh c'mon Iwa, tell me" he said now opening his eyes.

"It's nothing"


"I'm just thinking about you Oikawa that's all"

There was a moment of silence before oikawa spoke again almost in a worried tone.

"Iwa, I need to tell you something..."

His eyes went around the room until he sat up and looked me in the eyes. Our Faces only inches apart.

"I love you Iwa. I've been in love with you ever since we were kids. I love your hair, your eyes, your smile, I just live everything about you. I'm sorry if you don't feel the same and if you hate me that's okay to I just couldn't keep that from you anymore so I just-"

I cut him of with my lips colliding with his. He was confused at first with his eyes wide but eventually gave into the kiss, our lips moving in rhythm with each other. I grazed my tongue against his teeth asking for entrance which was happily granted. He tasted like strawberries. I pull back to catch my breath, but also pull him into a hug.

"I love you too, Oikawa. I always have"

I get into the bed and sit behind him wrapping my arms around his waste as he leans into my chest.

"I love you Iwa-chan" he says before falling asleep in my arms.

I kiss the top of his head and in a quite voice I say,

"I love you too, shittykawa"

~3rd person~
A few days later Iwa also got a fever, but just like Iwa was there to take care of Oikawa, Oikawa didn't leave Iwa's side.

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