SOIL SCIENCE 1 Examination
Name: Maricris P. Phala
Course, Year and Section: BAT 1- CStudent Learning Activity
1) Roles of Nutrients in plant and their availability of soils
Identify the useable ionic forms of the ff. essential plant nutrients and differentiate macro and micronutrients
A. Nitrogen- Nitrate (NO2), Ammonium (NH4)
B. Phosphorus- Dihydrogen phosphate (H2PO4)
C.Pottasium- Potassium ion(K+)
D. Sulfur- Sulfate (SO4+³)
E.Calcium- Calcium Ion( Ca³+)
F.Iron- Iron Ion( Fe³+,Fe¹+)
G.Magnesium- Magnesium ion(Mg³+)
H.Manganese- Manganese ion( Mn²+)
I. Copper- Copper ion(Cu³+)
J.Zinc-Zinc ion(Zn³+)
K.Boron- Boric Acid (H2BO2), Borate(BO3+)
L.Chloride- (Chloride–)Macronutrients are required in relatively large amounts which falls into 3 categories- Primary (N,P,K), Secondary, and non Mineral Nutrients (C,H,O). Micronutrients on the other hand are required in small amounts
.Minor or trace elements
2) Recognize visual plant deficiency syptoms of the ff. Nutrients
A. Nitrogen- *stunted growth as indicated by size or shape of leaves
* Yellowing of the lower leaves while the upper remains green
* Browning and later dying of leaves
B.Pottasium-* Weakining of straw & grain * Stalk breakages of corn and sorghum plants
C. Phosphorus-* Decrease in growth*Slow maturity*Other leaves are purlish colorD.Iron-* Outer margin of the leaves later becomes lemon yellow
*Expands over the whole leaf surface leaving the areas around the leaf veins green
E. Sulfur- * Yellowing of the leaves* Roots and stems become abnormally long and woody
F. Magnesiun-*Grayish-green areas on the leaf ,first at the tip then edges
3. Recognize visual plant toxicity symptoms on the ff. Nutrients
A.Manganese-*Interveinal chlorosis,Young leaves die
B. Boron-* Short, thick stems tips,Young leavea of terminal buds are light green at base,leaves becomes twisted and die
C. Aluminum-* Root stunting
4.) Describe the principal roles of tje ff. Essential nutrients in plant growth
A. Nitrogen-Promotes the development of vegetative parts
-Imparts dark green color of leaves
B. Potassium-Keeps the plant cells in turgid condition
-Important in the formation of carbohydrates and translocation of sugar, strengthen straw and stalk of plants
C.Phosphorus-Stimulates early root development
-Hastens maturity of crops, Increase amount of grains anf fruits
-Stimulates flower & aids in seed formation
D. Magnesium- An essential constituent of chlorophyll,Helps in the translocation of phosphorus,Corrects the acidity of the soil
E. Sulfur- Constituent of protein,maintains green color of leaves
-Helps in the growth of plant roots and stems
F. Calcium- Maintains turgidity of plants ,Hasten development of terminal buds
-Reduces toxicity and acidity , Improves structures of soil